
Wednesday, September 16, 2020

《伏羲女娲交尾图 》跟DNA很吻合 DNA is similar with Fuxi Nuwa Crossing Picture


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我是Penang Feng Shui Master Lee. 今天要跟大家分享伏羲女娲交尾图”.

谁是伏羲? 伏羲创造了易经八卦; 女娲郤造人. 中国上古历史相传有三皇五帝, 三皇指的就是神龙氏,伏羲和女娲。相传神龙氏是父亲, 伏羲和女娲是兄妹也是夫妻, 就好像阿当和夏娃. 考古学家的发现证实最早的伏羲女娲图发现于湖南长沙马王堆的帛画。《伏羲女娲交尾图 》就好像两只蛇缠绕在一起的结构, 这结构跟我们的DNA很吻合, 也与世界医药的符号很像,就好像两只蛇缠绕在一起的结构, 这也是个世界之谜。

在古人的眼里'天人合一'是文化中的重要概念, 如果地球是一个大宇宙, 那人体就是一个小宇宙。 古人相信天人合一就是把大自然跟人结合起来,就把人当着小宇宙,大自然就是一个大宇宙,你可以看到很多共同点就好像说地球的三分之二是水,人也一样。 地球有24个节气 人体脊椎骨也有24个节。我们的经络有12条,我们有12个生肖,其实是因为我们太阳系里面最大的一个行星木星环绕太阳一圈刚好12年,最大的那个行星的磁场影响我们最大。

所以很多知识其实是天人合一就是祖先相信大地滋养生命, 大地是有生命的, 人类不过是大地生命的一部分。大地就像母亲一样, 大地就像母亲所以在八卦里面有坤卦, 代表母亲, 也代表着大地。它代表着顺,就是柔顺的顺,母亲是包容一切的,就像大地,你怎样去破坏它,将东西放进去然后再拨出来它的资源被掏空它都不会出声,它会静静的那边顺着你所以这个代表着大地。


I am Master Lee of Penang Feng Shui. Today I want to share with you what is "Fuxi Nuwa Crossing Picture".

Who is Fuxi? Fuxi created the I Ching Yijing Bagua; Nu Wa made humans. There were three emperors and five emperors 三皇五帝in ancient Chinese history. The three emperors 三皇refer to Shenlong, Fuxi and Nuwa. Legend states that Shenlong is the father and the relationship of Fuxi and Nuwa is like brother and sister and also husband and wife, like Adam and Eve. The archaeologist's discovery confirmed that the earliest "Fuxi Nuwa Crossing Picture" was found in the silk painting of Mawangdui, Changsha, Hunan. DNA, the basic genetic material of life, is a double-helix structure, and this double-helix structure is surprisingly consistent with the image of human ancestors-"Fuxi Nuwa Crossing Picture". This structure is very consistent with our DNA and is similar to the symbols of world medicine. It is like a structure where two snakes are entwined, which is also a mystery of the world.

"The unity of man and nature" is an important concept in Chinese culture. If the earth is a large universe, then the human body is a small universe. There are many similarities in between men and nature. Two thirds of the earth is water, and so are the human. The ancients believed that “the unity of nature and man” was to combine nature with man, and they regarded man as a small universe. Nature is a big universe. The earth has 24 solar terms, and the human spine also has 24 nodes. You can see many common points as we have 12 meridians, and we have 12 zodiac signs. In fact, it is because Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, circle the sun for exactly 12 years, and the magnetic field of the largest planet affects us the most.

A lot of knowledge is actually “the unity of man and nature” ”天人合一”, that is, ancestors believed that the earth nourishes life. Of course, there are lives on the earth, and human beings are just a part of life on the earth. The earth is like our mother. In Yi Jing Bagua, there is a Kun Qua. It represents ‘accepting’. The mother is inclusive of everything, just like the earth. How do you destroy it, put things in and then dig them out. When resources are emptied, the earth will not make a sound, it will be quiet. Therefore, Mother represents the Earth.

In 1973, French scholar M. Schönberg published "The Secret Key of Life: Cosmic Formula, Book of Changes, and Genetic Code", which for the first time clarified the correspondence between 64 biological genetic codes and the sixty-four diagrams of the Book of Changes. He found a lot of similarities in between the DNA and Yi Jing (Book of Changes) Bagua. Among them, the structure of Shaoyang, Taiyang, Taiyin and Shaoyin in the Book of Changes is very consistent with our DNA. This is human wisdom, is the Book of Changes and Feng Shui.

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