
Saturday, November 28, 2020

儒家的孔子和道教祖师的老子都是佛菩萨转世 Confucius of Confucianism and Laozi of Taoist patriarch are both Buddhas and Bodhisattvas reincarnated.


宣化上人 Master Xuanhua


 Before his death, Master Xuanhua accurately predicted the outbreak of COVID-19.

孔子 Confucius

老子 Laozi


What is the relationship between the Yi-Jing Feng Shui Numerology and the Five Precepts of Buddhism?

得道高僧宣化上人在1995年圆寂之前曾经准确的预测SARS和新冠肺炎的爆发。他曾预言,将有一种病毒会比原子弹爆炸更加危险。 许多人会因此而死。 即使与其他人握手,它也会通过空气散布。他可曾经开示儒家的孔子和道教祖师的老子都是佛菩萨转世。从小我就受到儒家思想的影响。孔子强调道德,仁慈,智慧,孝顺,信誉,我稍后会与大家分享。 道家族长老子强调道法自然。 与佛教有什么关系? 佛教从印度传入中国。 在佛教到来之前的那个时期,中国受到儒家的孔子和道家的老子的深刻影响。 实际上,直到听完宣化大师的讲课,我才明白它们之间的关系。因为佛教的道理很深奥,所以这两位菩萨就转世投胎先到中国,准备让当时的中国接受佛教高深的教育。儒家的思想是比较容易懂的, 它就好像小学程度。道教就好像中学程度,大佛教就是大学程度了。而你读了中学未必能够成功的进入大学。

一个孩子需要先上幼儿园,然后是小学,然后是中学,即使您完成了中学课程,如果您没有达到入学资格的资格,因为大学学习水平更高,您可能没有资格获得高等教育。 您不能教小学生复杂的量子物理学或宇宙研究。 我们需要逐步学习。

易字由太阳(阳)和月亮(阴)组成。 一切的基本要素是阴阳。 在科学中,热是阳,冷是阴。 明亮是阳,黑暗是阴。 动态是阳,静态是阳。

孔子提倡的儒家思想,儒家里面的四书五经。五经之首为易经,易经里面的最重要,最中心的概念就是阴阳。在佛教里,阴就是空。阳就是色。心经里的空即是色,色即是空,受想行识, 亦复如是。色是阳,它是可见的,而空是阴,这是不可见的。孔子和老子不说佛理,只说儒学和道学,但是我们其实可以从他的教育中找到跟佛学很多的共同点。易经的易字是蜥蜴的蜴而来, 也是变色龙,变色龙根据周围的颜色改变颜色。易就是变的意思。易经的另外一个主要的概念就是变。变在佛学里就是无常。易经是所有东方思想起源, 我们的八字命理风水学都源自于易经.


八字命理原理也是原自于易经。八字五行代表着五个品德。水为智,木为仁,火为礼,土为信而金为义。八字日元如为水或者是八字里面有很多水的人就特别的聪明,以此类推。河流中的水总是四处流,因此它就像一个人总是想东想西以为这样。 如果人的八字BAZI中的水元素过多,那么他会倾向于思考过多。在佛教的五戒中,水代表“不饮酒”,因为当我们喝酒时,我们会失去理智去思考。



如果一个人的八字BAZI中有很多土元素或石头,或者他的日元是土,那么该人是可靠的,因为石头不会改变。如果土太多,那么这个人很固执。在佛教的五个戒律中,土代表“不妄语, 不说谎者”。


如果一个人的八字BAZI中有很多火元素,或者他的日元是火,那么这个人就会热心热情而又有礼节。我们用火做饭并杀死细菌,以便我们可以食用食物或水。在佛教的五个戒律中,火代表“不邪淫”。如果一个人烈火,他就没有伤害他人的思想。他可能想行动敏捷,脾气暴躁,但是冷静下来,他会忘了, 不会放在心里,没有伤害他人的心。





Today, let’s discuss about what is the relationship among the Buddhism, Confucius, Laozi, Yi Jing and feng shui, let’s go!

Before his death on 1995, Master Xuanhua accurately predicted the outbreak of SARS and COVID-19. He has predicted there would be a virus that more dangerous than the atomic bomb would occurred. Many will die because of it. It would spread even you just shake hands with other and it is airborne. He once taught that Confucius of Confucianism and Laozi of Taoist patriarch are both Buddhas and Bodhisattvas reincarnated. We have been influenced by the teaching of Confucius of Confucianism since young. He emphasized on the morality, kindness, wisdom, filial piety, credibility and I will share with you all later. Laozi of Taoist patriarch emphasized on the Nature. What is the relationship with Buddhism? Buddhism was introduced from India to China. During that time prior to the arrival of Buddhism, China has been deeply influenced by both the Confucius of Confucianism and Laozi of Taoist. As the matter of fact, I didn’t understand what the relationship among them is until I listened to the teaching of Master Xuanhua. He said because of the profound principles of Buddhism, these two bodhisattvas went to China first after being reincarnated in order to allow China at that time to receive advanced Buddhist education. Confucianism is easier to understand. It is like an elementary school degree. Taoism is like a middle school degree, while Da Buddhism is a university degree. And you may not be able to successfully enter university after going to middle school. A child needs to go through kindergarten studies, then primary school, followed by secondary school and even you complete the secondary studies, you might not qualified for tertiary studies if you do not achieve the entries qualification as university studies are more advanced. You can’t teach a primary student the complicated quantum physics or universe studies. We need to learn through it step by step.

Confucianism advocated by Confucius, the four books and five classics in Confucianism. The first of the Five Classics is the Book of Changes, Yi Jing. The most important and central concept in the Book of Changes is Yin and Yang. The word YI is formed by the Sun (Yang) and the Moon (Yin). The basic of everything is yin yang. In Science, hot is yang and cold is yin; bright is yang whereas dark is yin. Dynamic is yang and static is yin. In Buddhism, yin is emptiness. Yang is color. The emptiness in the heart sutra is form (color), and form (color) is emptiness; form (color) is yang, it is visible and emptiness is yin which is invisible. Confucius and Laozi don’t talk about Buddhism, only Confucianism and Taoism but we can actually find a lot in common with Buddhism from his education. The Yi characters of the Yi Jing come from lizards and they are also chameleons that change colors according to colors of the surrounding. Yi means change. Another major concept in the Yi Jing is change. To change in Buddhism is impermanence.


The Book of Changes is the origin of all Eastern thought, and our Bazi numerology and Feng Shui are all derived from the Book of Changes. The eight characters BAZI and five elements represent five virtues. Water is wisdom, wood is benevolence, fire is ritual, earth is faith and gold is righteousness. People who have a lot of water in the eight-character BAZI or his day master is water are particularly smart. The water in the river always flow around hence it resembles a person always think this think that. If the water element is too much in a person’s BAZI, then he will tend to think too much. In the five precepts of Buddhism water represents "no drinking" because when we drink alcohol, we lose our mind to think properly.

The five precepts of Buddhism are: no killing, no stealing, no adultery, no lying, no drinking. "No killing" means "benevolence", "no stealing" means "righteousness", "no lewdness" means "rites", "no liar" means "faith", and "no drinking" means "wisdom".

If a person has lots of Earth element or the stone in his BAZI or his day master is earth, then the person is reliable as the stone does not change. If too much of earth then the person is very stubborn. In the five precepts of Buddhism earth represents "no liar".

If a person has lots of plant (wood) element in his BAZI or his day master is plant (wood), then the person is benevolence. In the five precepts of Buddhism plant represents "No killing".

If a person has lots of fire element in his BAZI or his day master is fire, then the person is warm-hearted and ritual. We use fire to cook and to kill the germs so that we can consume the food or water. In the five precepts of Buddhism fire represents “no adultery ". If a person has strong fire, he doesn’t have the mind to harm others. He may want to act fast and temper is short but when he cool down, he won’t keep the hard feeling in his heart.  His temper will come fast and go fast. If a person has lots of fire element in his BAZI or his day master is fire, then his heart is pure and won’t have the intention to harm others.

If a person has strong gold or metal, or his day master is gold or metal, then the person is righteousness. In the five precepts of Buddhism gold represents "No stealing". Things that do not belong to him, he will not take.

Now you can see the relationship between the five elements and the five precepts of Buddhism

Master Xuanhua said that Confucius and Laozi are both reincarnated living bodhisattvas. Before Buddhism was introduced to China, they came to China earlier to pave the road. When Buddhism was spread to China, it would be a matter of course. Confucianism speaks of worldly law, there is no worldly law. Taoism emphasizes on less desire. The two living Bodhisattvas paved the way, and when Buddhism was introduced to China from India, the people at that time could accept Buddhism relatively easily.

In fact, Einstein himself once said that he was Jewish, but his heart was closest to Buddhism, because Buddhism was the most scientific. The science we are studying today confirms the principles of Buddhism or the theories of the Buddha. More than two thousand years ago, the Buddha took a glass of water and told everyone that there were many creatures in it. At that time, no one would know what he was talking about. Because the Taoist Buddha already knew how our world was formed. Today's science confirms the principles of Buddhism step by step. The more scientific discoveries, the more proof that what the Buddha said is correct. Thank you all, I hope you can get some inspiration like me. Namo Amitabha.

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