
Tuesday, April 27, 2021

如何無中生有? How to make something out of nothing?



这里的''就是老子称为父(父亲的父)就是大自然的规律,这里的''就是老子称为母,也就是万物,因为有了大自然的规律 (也就是无和父),就会有了万物(也就是有和母)。因此老子说,无名天地之始,有名万物之母。老子说大自然的规律就是自自然然的存在, 不是神创造出来的,就好比说地球有地心引力是自自然然的存在的,’无中生有’有了大自然的规律,万物就可以因为大自然的规律而生。就好比知识是看不到的,但是我们用知识去发明出很多看得到的机器,知识是’无’而机器是’有’, 因此无中生有

老子的''是怎么写呢? 首是头,就是用头脑去想而了解道理,然后跟着道理去航行。指导(導)是道的下面有寸,寸是手来指导。

我说了很多关于易经阴阳的道理,但是总还是觉得不够。所谓阴中有阳,阳中有阴。单数是阳,阳是动 (变化无穷),双数是阴是静。我们的手指是一个拇指和四个手指,那就是阴阳。这样我们的手才可以灵活的应用,如果把拇指切掉,我们手大部分的功能就不见了。

我们一只手有五个手指,那是阳。但是我们有一双手,那就阳变阴, 一双手如果合起来,就是五个手指,变成十个手指,五为单数是,十为双数,是阴。我们的四只手指里面都是三个节,三为阳,阳为动可以变化无穷。所以我们的四个手指里的三个节是可以变化无穷,因此我们的四个手指是灵活的,可以演奏美丽的音乐。而钢琴是阳因为看得到,但音乐却是阴,看不到的。


那让我们来说说七,七是单数,那是阳,七是变化( 动)的数字。之前我有说过易经理的24,复。复卦六爻,第一爻为阳,其他五爻为阴,表示阴气剥尽阳气复生。复是复兴康复。23卦是剥卦,剥极而复。《易·复》:“反覆其道,七日来复,天行也。”  意思是说, 在轨道上反复运行,七天回来重新开始,这是天的运行法则。



复卦上卦三爻为坤卦, 上卦三爻为震卦

易经64的每一个都是由上和下组成。上一定有三个爻下过也有3个爻;三爻和三爻加起来就是六个爻,复卦上卦三爻为坤卦, 上卦三爻为震卦, 六个爻走完了,第七个爻的话就是一个开始,所以它是一个重复,重新开始。

易经12消息里农历十月也就是亥月立冬,也就是易经坤,坤全部都是阴爻。到了农历的11月,下面初爻就变成阳爻,也就是说那一月开始,天地慢慢的又回复了阳气,那就是易经的复, 就是子月大雪, 那个时候大地已经慢慢地回复了阳气.

周易的成书应该是在周文王过世的那个期间(《易经》已经存在了很长的时间。) 那已经是3000多年的历史但是我们今天所用的阳历的开始其实才2021年, 但中国古人老早已经把一周定为七天。

易经一个卦有六个爻, 走完六个爻就开始才重现了7, 所以古人说六六大顺,逢七必变 ,我们21世纪有三个7,  因此变化无穷。 2020庚子年流年飞星图是7入中, 因此变得不得了。

我们的细胞是人死后七七49天之后才完全在我们的身体灭亡, 因此死者家属都要戴孝7749天。

动物和人的怀孕周期都是七的倍数,鸡孵蛋7x3=21, 猫怀孕7x9=63天,兔子怀孕期是7x4=28, 老虎怀孕期7x15=105, 人类怀孕期7x40=280. 七日节律是如何形成的?它是受太阳和月亮的共同作用形成的,因为农历一个月有28天,一个月有四次潮汐,28除以47, 因此新冠肺炎一般被接受的潜伏期的期限是7x2=14.

基督教圣经说,上帝造人也是用了七天,到了第七天就是休息 Sunday, 因此阳历一个星期有七天。中国的盛世也是700年发生一次。请看回我以前的YouTube来了解。


我们一双手加起来一共有28个节。7x4=28, 所以我们的手可以变幻无穷。女人的月事是28天,28是有四个七。人的牙齿有28颗到32颗,28就够用了。彩虹有七个颜色。彩虹中间的颜色是青色。青色是最有力量的颜色,植物长出来都是青色。香蕉长出来是青色,然后慢慢的变成黄色,在提醒人们’人之初,性本善’。青色就是最有力量的颜色,’青’旁边加一个心字旁,就是情,人最重要是有情。美丽的女人叫倩。清澈的水叫清水。最好的天气叫晴天。最好的言语就是言加青,请。

老子骑青牛、出函谷,不知所终。老子骑的牛为什么是青牛呢?牛怎么可能是青色. 青色的含义就是生发、萌发,万物生长变化的开始。香蕉初长成为青色, 然后慢慢地变成黃色.

八卦里艮卦代表山,山也是不动。艮其实是我们的背, 背很难弯, 也代表不动. 艮上面加一点就是良心的良, 良心不动, 也就是初心, 因此人之初性本善,小孩子的心是最纯洁善良, 就好比豆是青色. 提醒我们要永远记得初心. 代表艮卜的动物是狗,因为狗守在门前,不让坏人进来,那是停止,也就是艮卜的山代表停止。因为古人看到山就走不过去,所以它也代表停止。山是不动。娘就是最善良的女人。对人来说最好的是食物, 沒了食物我们活不了, 食物的食是人下面一个良.


The first chapter of Lao Tzu's "Tao De Jing", 道可道,非常道,名可名,非常名,the beginning of the nameless world, and the mother of all things. . .

The "nothing" here means that Lao Tzu called the father is the law of nature, and the "has" here means that Lao Tzu called the mother, which is all things, because there is the law of nature (that is, no and the father) , There will produce or create everything (that is HAS, there will be a mother). Therefore, Lao Tzu said that the beginning of the nameless world is the mother of all things. Lao Tzu said that the laws of nature are the existence of nature, not created by God. It is like saying that the earth has gravity and it exists naturally. With the laws of nature, everything can be created by nature. Born by the laws of nature. It's like knowledge is invisible, but we use knowledge to invent many observable machines. Knowledge is'nothing' and machines are'have', so nothing is born out of nothing.

How is Lao Tzu's "Tao" written? The first is the head, which is to use your BRAIN to think and understand the truth, and then follow the truth to navigate. Guidance is written in this way means that there are inches below the Tao, and the inches are hands to guide.

I have said a lot about the yin and yang of the Book of Changes, but I still feel that it is not enough. The so-called yin has yang, and yang has yin. The singular number is yang, the yang is movement (infinite change), and the double number is yin or stillness. Our fingers are one thumb and four fingers, which is yang and yin. In this way, our hands can be used flexibly. If the thumb is cut off, most of the functions of our hands will disappear.

We have five fingers in one hand that is Yang. But if we have two hands, then yang becomes yin. If one hand is put together, five fingers become ten fingers. Five is singular, ten is even, and is yin. There are three knots in our four fingers, and three are yang, which can change endlessly. So the three knots of our four fingers can be infinitely varied, so our four fingers are flexible and can play beautiful music. The piano is yang because you can see it, but music is yin and you can't see it.

A nose has two holes (nostrils), that is, there is in the yang has yin. A mouth has two lips, an upper lip and a lower lip, and a person has a head and two feet. With one yang and one yin then only can balance. There are seven holes on the top of our head and two holes on the bottom of our body. Seven is yang; two is yin.

Let's talk about seven. Seven is a singular number, that is Yang, and seven is a changing (moving) number. I have talked about Yi Jing’s 24 qua, Fu Gua, Review Gua. There are six lines in the Fu Gua, the first line is yang, and the other five lines are yin, which means that the yin qi is exhausted and the yang qi is revived. Recovery is revival and recovery. The 23 hexagrams are stripping hexagrams, stripping the extreme and returning. "Yi·Fu": "It is repeated, seven days come and go, and the sky moves." It means that it runs repeatedly on the orbit and starts again after seven days. This is the law of the nature.

Each of the 64 divinations in the I Ching is composed of upper divination and lower divination. There must be three lines in the upper divination, and three lines in the next; the three lines and the three lines add up to six lines. When the six lines are finished, the seventh line is a beginning, so it is a repetition and start again.


易经12消息卜里农历十月也就是亥月立冬,也就是易经坤卜,坤卜全部都是阴爻。到了农历的11月,下面初爻就变成阳爻,也就是说那一月开始,天地慢慢的又回复了阳气,那就是易经的复卜, 就是子月大雪, 那个时候大地已经慢慢地回复了阳气.

The 12 消息卜of the I Ching is the October month of the lunar calendar, Lidong which is also the Kun Qua in the I Ching. All Kun Qua are yin lines. In November of the lunar calendar, the first line below becomes Yang line, which means that from that month, heaven and earth slowly return to Yang Qi, which is the divination of the Book of Changes.

The book of I Ching should have been written during the period when King Zhou Wen passed away (even though I Ching has already existed much longer than that). It is more than 3,000 years old. But the solar calendar we use today actually started 2021 years ago, but the ancients in China have long set a week as seven days.

There are six lines in a hexagram in the Book of Changes, and 7 starts to reappear after walking through the six lines. Therefore, the ancients said that the six and six are smooth and change every seven. We have three sevens in the 21st century, so the changes are endless. The 2020 Gengzi year flying star chart is 7 in the middle, so it becomes incredible.

Our cells are completely destroyed in our body only seven to 49 days after death, so the family members of the deceased must wear filial piety for 7749 days.

The pregnancy period of animals and humans is a multiple of seven, chickens incubate 7x3=21 days, cats are 7x9=63 days, rabbits are 7x4=28 days, tigers are 7x15=105 days, and humans are 7x40=280. Tian. How is the seven-day rhythm formed? It is formed by the combined action of the sun and the moon, because there are 28 days in a lunar month and four tides in a month, 28 divided by 4 = 7 days, so the generally accepted incubation period for Covid19 pneumonia is 7x2=14 days.

The Christian Bible says that it took seven days for God to create human beings. On the seventh day, there is a rest Sunday, so there are seven days in a week in the Gregorian calendar. The prosperity of China also happened once in 700 years. Please look back to my previous YouTube to understand.

The growth of the fruit also has seven stages. For example, if you eat an apple, if you throw it on the ground, it will grow roots. The root is 1st stage, and then the beans grow out, and the beans is 2nd stage. Then the stem grows, the trunk grows branches, the stem is 3rd stage, the branch is 4th stage, and the leaves grow, the leave is 5th stage, and then blooms, the flowers is 6th stage, the flowers then bear fruit, and the fruit is 7th stage, so there are seven stages. .

Our hands add up to a total of 28 knots. 7x4=28, so our hands can change endlessly. A woman’s menstruation is 28 days, and 28 is four weeks. There are 28 to 32 human teeth, 28 is enough. The rainbow has seven colors. The color in the middle of the rainbow is green. Green is the most powerful color, and plants grow out in green. Bananas grow green and then slowly turn yellow, reminding people that 'being good at the beginning of human beings'. Green is the most powerful color. With a word of heart next to "green", it means love. The most important thing for people is to have love. The beautiful woman is called human + green = qian . Clear water is called water + green = . The best weather is sunny (Sun + Green=sunny). The best languageis to add green, please .

Laozi rode a green bull, out of Hangu, without knowing where to end. Why is the bull that I rode a green bull? How can a cow be green? The meaning of green is germination, the beginning of the growth and change of all things. The banana grows into green at first, and then slowly becomes yellow.

In the bagua, the GEN hexagram represents the mountain, and the mountain does not move. Gen is actually our back. The back is hard to bend, which also means immobility. 艮上面加一点就是良心的良, 良心不动Gen is good of conscience, the conscience is not moving, that is, the original intention. Therefore, the human nature is good at first, and the child’s heart is the purest and kind. It's like a bean is green. It reminds us to always remember the original intention. The animal representing Gen Qua is a dog, because the dog is guarding the door and not letting bad people come in, that is a stop, the mountain of Gen Qua stands for stop. Because the ancients couldn't walk through the mountain when they meet it, it also meant a stop. The mountain is not moving. ( = +) Mother is the kindest woman. The best thing for people is food = +. We can't live without food. Food is a good thing for people.

This is the wisdom of the ancients.

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