
Saturday, December 21, 2024

2025生肖鸡的运势 The fortune of people zodiac Rooster in 2025 by Penang Feng Shui Master Lee with English Subtitle



 **【三台】** **【地解】** **【将星】** **【五鬼】** **【官符】** **【的煞】**


 ### 吉星







 ### 凶星








People born in the Year of the Rooster: 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

 **San Tai** **Di Jie** **General Star** **Wu Gui** **Guan Fu** **De Sha**

 The year 2025 is generally quite favorable for those born in the Year of the Rooster. Due to the positive energy from the Snake and Rooster combination, you can expect significant progress, especially in your career. You will gain the trust and recognition of your superiors, leading to more power and authority. However, with your promotion, there may be some people who feel jealous and attempt to undermine you through petty actions. Additionally, you should be mindful of lawsuits or legal disputes.

 ### Auspicious Stars

**San Tai** 

This auspicious star is closely linked to career and authority, allowing you to showcase your leadership abilities. San Tai is a strong benefactor star that signifies successful endeavors and good fortune, especially in promotions and exams. In 2025, you are likely to achieve notable success in both work and studies, with promotions and excellent results on the horizon. San Tai also symbolizes steady career progress and personal talent being recognized, making it particularly beneficial for those in government or large-scale projects.

 **Di Jie** 

Another benefactor star, Di Jie signifies opportunities for relocation or property acquisition, and also indicates help from influential people in solving problems. In 2025, Roosters may see favorable outcomes in real estate investments.

 **General Star** 

This star represents leadership abilities and is especially favorable for those in administrative or managerial roles. The General Star, which symbolizes a general’s authority, means that in 2025, you will exhibit strong leadership and authority, especially for those in higher-level positions. If you are active in a group, the General Star will help you stand out as a key figure.

 ### Inauspicious Stars

**Wu Gui** 

This inauspicious star suggests that you may face interference from petty people, leading to increased mental stress and confusion. It may particularly impact your romantic and interpersonal relationships, so handle these carefully.

 **Guan Fu** 

This star signifies potential legal disputes, cautioning against entering into partnerships or business deals with others, as conflicts and lawsuits may arise. Pay extra attention when signing any contracts or agreements to avoid getting into trouble.

 **De Sha** 

De Sha represents unfavorable and dangerous forces, reminding you to be cautious of external changes and avoid sudden losses or setbacks.

Overall, while 2025 brings many opportunities for Roosters, it's important to stay vigilant against jealous individuals and legal issues. Maintain a low profile and a cautious approach to ensure smooth progress in both career and personal matters.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

2025属猴的运势 The fortune of people zodiac Monkey in 2025 by Penang Feng Shui Master Lee with English Subtitle



2025 will be a year of special significance for those born under the sign of the Monkey. The Monkey and Snake are compatible, bringing positive energy, but there is also conflicting negative energy. As a result, 2025 will be a year of both good and bad experiences. Fortunately, you will have strong support from benefactors, especially female ones. If you are a single male, there’s a good chance you will meet someone special this year. However, the appearance of the star **[Gu Chen]** might affect your relationships, leading to some instability. Additionally, the inauspicious star **[Gou Shen]** may cause complications in both life and love, making it difficult to resolve matters thoroughly.

Monkey 19321944195619681980199220042016

【天乙 Tian Yi】【太阴 Tai Yin】【孤辰 Gu Chen】【贯索 Guan Suo】【勾神 Gou Shen】【三刑 San Xing


吉星 Auspicious Stars

【天乙 Tian Yi

吉星驾临,大贵人星,事业上倍添助力,尤其是工作需与人接触或对从事销售者更为有利。[天乙贵人] 人命逢之,  如得生旺及有贵格吉星相扶助, 主气宇轩昂, 福寿双全, 富贵人间。天乙贵人星也是个大贵人星,它有助于你是事业上发展啊其是工作上那些从事销售业的而且需要跟人家接触有助于人缘。

【太阴 Tai Yin

女性贵人星,倘若直属上司或老板是女性,将容易受到赏识。一颗稳步上扬的财星,只要不过分急进。 [太阴]出现是一颗强力的女贵人星。如果你的上司是女性,你的老板是女性,你将会得到赏识,你的财运方面呢,从女人那边可以得到财。你的女性顾客,你的女家人,你的妈妈,你的姐姐妹妹,女亲戚对你的助力是最大。那些单身的男性如果要找女朋友,因为有太阴星的出现,所以是有助于你的感情的发展。

凶星 Inauspicious Stars

【孤辰 Gu Chen

有被孤立之意, 主孤独且闷闷不乐。已婚人士可能会因为经常远走外地,孤枕独眠,而且与配偶聚少离多,以至沟通不足彼此关系疏离。未婚者可能会与伴侣分手. 而且,有时你会感到孤独和无助。所谓【男忌孤辰,女忌寡宿】, 尤其对男生的感情发展不利.

【贯索 Guan Suo

即口舌是非, 常主是非词讼, 钱财不能自主, 行动都受到了限制.

【勾神 Gou Shen

常表现为是非不断,口舌风波。勾神 代表着一种复杂、纠缠不清的力量,预示着在命主的生活或事业中可能会遇到阻碍、纠纷或不易解决的麻烦。纠缠不清, 争执和纠纷, 感情波折, 牵制和阻碍. 勾着不放,纠缠不清,生活和感情方面都有牽制,拖泥带水,无法斩草不除根。

【三刑 San Xing





**【天乙】** **【太阴】** **【孤辰】** **【贯索】** **【勾神】** **【三刑】**




### 吉星





太阴星是一颗女性贵人星,如果你的上司或老板是女性,你会受到特别的赏识。这颗星同时也是一颗稳步增长的财星,只要不过于激进,财运将会逐渐改善。单身男性在感情上将会可能遇到心仪的女朋友. 你有女性贵人的帮助,有机会遇到合适的伴侣。女性亲人如母亲、姐姐、妹妹等都能为你提供支持。


### 凶星


孤辰星象征孤独感,容易让人感到被孤立。已婚者可能因为经常外出而与伴侣聚少离多,导致关系疏远。未婚者则可能面临感情波折或分手,特别是对男性的感情发展不利,容易感到孤独和无助。所谓【男忌孤辰,女忌寡宿】, 尤其对男生的感情发展不利.











People born in the Year of the Monkey: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016


**[Tian Yi]** **[Tai Yin]** **[Gu Chen]** **[Guan Suo]** **[Gou Shen]** **[San Xing]**


2025 will be a year of special significance for those born under the sign of the Monkey. The Monkey and Snake are compatible, bringing positive energy, but there is also conflicting negative energy. As a result, 2025 will be a year of both good and bad experiences. Fortunately, you will have strong support from benefactors, especially female ones. If you are a single male, there’s a good chance you will meet someone special this year. However, the appearance of the star **[Gu Chen]** might affect your relationships, leading to some instability. Additionally, the inauspicious star **[Gou Shen]** may cause complications in both life and love, making it difficult to resolve matters thoroughly.


### Auspicious Stars

**[Tian Yi]**

The **Tian Yi** star is a powerful benefactor star that brings career support, especially for those who need to interact with others or are in sales. This star helps you excel in your work, brings influential benefactors to aid you, and enhances your interpersonal relationships.


**[Tai Yin]**

The **Tai Yin** star represents female benefactors. If your boss or supervisor is a woman, you will likely gain recognition. This star also signifies steady financial growth, as long as you don’t act too hastily. Single men may meet a romantic partner thanks to the influence of this star. Female family members like your mother, sisters, or female relatives will provide significant support in your life.


### Inauspicious Stars

**[Gu Chen]**

The **Gu Chen** star represents loneliness and isolation. Married individuals may find themselves frequently away from their partners, leading to emotional distance. Unmarried individuals could face relationship issues or breakups. This star is particularly unfavorable for men, potentially hindering their romantic progress.


**[Guan Suo]**

The **Guan Suo** star indicates disputes and conflicts, making you prone to arguments and legal troubles. This could also lead to financial constraints and restricted actions.


**[Gou Shen]**

The **Gou Shen** star signifies entanglements and unresolved issues. It could bring conflicts and obstacles in your personal and professional life, making it hard to untangle problems or break free from difficulties. Relationships and emotions may be affected by ongoing struggles.


**[San Xing]**

**San Xing** is an ominous sign that suggests the possibility of legal penalties or accidents. The “San Xing” involving the Snake, Monkey, and Tiger indicates that your efforts might go unappreciated, leading to situations where your hard work is not acknowledged or even creates unnecessary complications.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

2025年风水预测3和2025年马来西亚的风水预测。2025 Feng Shui Prediction 3 and Outcome of Malaysia in 2025.




2025年对应易经的值年卦是**革卦**,革卦即 “革命之卦”。顾名思义,“革命”意味着剧烈的变革,可能涉及制度、组织乃至人们生活方式的颠覆。因此,我预测,2025年人工智能(AI)的快速发展将对我们的世界产生巨大影响,甚至颠覆我们所习惯的世界秩序。此外,还可能出现思想观念和生活方式上的巨大转变。曾经被认为正确的事情,可能会被推翻。 






此外,2025年的立春八字中有四个长生星,其中占据了三个,且骇马星的力量非常强。骇马星象征转变、变动、移动、忙碌,以及东奔西跑。因此,我此前预测的2025年航空业、旅游业和娱乐业将会异常火热。你是否已经注意到,2024年身边很多人都在频繁旅行?这种现象在2025年将会延续。近日还有报道指出,由于原因之一的需求旺盛,机票价格预计会上涨。飞机延误或者取消航班还是会层出不穷。通胜地母经更是指出 “春夏多漂流” ,也进一步验证了2025年的动荡性和人们流动性增加的趋势。 

2025年的人事变动也将非常显著,值得关注。此外,由于2025年紫薇斗数显示**太阴化忌**,而太阴属水,水也象征风暴, 水难与台风,因此需要警惕水患、风灾和台风等自然灾害的发生。 

  - 2025年紫薇斗数显示**太阴化忌**,太阴不仅代表月亮,也关联 “桃花” 。这意味着2025年夜间事故的发生率较高,建议大家尽量减少深夜外出。此外,名人的性丑闻可能会陆续被曝光,引起舆论热议。 






   - 2025年巳火与寅木相害,而马来西亚八字的十年大运正行壬寅运。这种相害关系预示着2025年的政治口水战将还会频繁上演。社会上也会因各种矛盾。需要特别注意的是2025年的飞星五黄星。这个最凶的飞星落在东北方,而马来西亚的东北方正是沙巴州。因此,2025年沙巴州可能会发生较大的动荡,尤其是选举期间,或将出现混乱局面。此前爆出的州议员集体贪腐丑闻,或许只是开始,后续发展值得我们密切关注。


**注解:易经值年卦革卦, (参考我之前21/7/2021写有关易经革卦的blog













Previously, I used various metaphysical methods such as the Eight Characters of Spring Establishment, the **Tong Sheng Di Mu Jing**, Qimen Dunjia, Zi Wei Dou Shu, and Xuan Kong Annual Flying Stars to predict how 2025 might unfold. Now, let’s explore 2025 from a different metaphysical perspective by analyzing the **Annual Hexagram** of the I Ching.

Please also refer to my earlier predictions made on August 23, 2024, and September 22, 2024: 

- [YouTube Video 1]( 

- [YouTube Video 2]( 

### The Annual Hexagram for 2025: The "Revolution" Hexagram (**Ge Gua**) 

The hexagram for 2025 is **Ge Gua**, which represents "Revolution." As the name suggests, "revolution" entails dramatic changes, potentially impacting systems, organizations, and even people’s way of life. Therefore, I predict that **the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI)** will have a profound and disruptive impact on our world in 2025, possibly overturning the established global order. Furthermore, there may be significant shifts in ideologies and lifestyles—what was once deemed correct might be overturned.

In addition, actions by prominent global leaders, including elect U.S. President Donald Trump, will likely become focal points of global attention. Some of these leaders may drive monumental changes worldwide. Referring back to earlier predictions, 2025 appears to be a year of power struggles among "senior leaders," as indicated by **Zi Wei Dou Shu**, which shows Tian Liang Hua Quan (the Power-Transformed Star) and the Three Jade Star of disputes falling into Qian Palace, symbolizing elder male leaders. These dynamics further suggest intense competition among influential figures, which I have discussed in previous videos.

### On the Topic of War and Peace 

I do not foresee an increase in warfare in 2025. As I mentioned earlier, the Eight Characters of Spring Establishment for 2025 are relatively more harmonious compared to 2024, which had intense clashes indicated in its chart. In 2024, the Three Jade Star occupied the central palace of the Annual Flying Stars, symbolizing disputes, whereas the 2025 Eight Characters suggest relative stability. Moreover, Trump’s "America First" philosophy implies a reluctance to engage in wars that do not serve direct national interests. In fact, his efforts to mediate the Russia-Ukraine conflict are evidence of this. This is undoubtedly good news for 2025, indicating a reduced likelihood of new wars breaking out.

### Economic Outlook for 2025 

The economic performance in 2025 may be lackluster. The relatively peaceful environment will facilitate recovery and growth in the global economy. Compared to the turbulence of 2024, 2025 offers a more favorable setting for economic development.

### Analyzing the Eight Characters of Spring Establishment for 2025 

The Day Master (Day Stem) of the 2025 Spring Establishment Eight Characters is **Gui Water**, but the chart is dominated by strong Wood elements. Most of the Water is consumed in nurturing Wood, leaving Gui Water relatively weak. This suggests that industries related to Water may face challenges in 2025, whereas those associated with Wood will likely thrive. As I previously analyzed through Zi Wei Dou Shu, Wood-related industries are poised to shine in 2025, including **agriculture, education, and healthcare**, with a particularly strong emphasis on healthcare. This is further corroborated by the **Second Black Illness Star** occupying the central palace in the Annual Flying Stars. While this indicates potential disease outbreaks, benefiting the healthcare sector, it also serves as a warning for individuals to pay closer attention to their health.

### Movement and Travel Trends 

The Spring Establishment chart for 2025 includes four Longevity Stars, three of which are present, along with a very strong **Hai Ma Star**. The Hai Ma Star symbolizes transformation, movement, busyness, and travel. As such, I have predicted that **aviation, tourism, and entertainment industries will flourish in 2025**. You may have noticed that in 2024, many people around you were frequently traveling. This trend is expected to continue in 2025. Recent reports also highlight increasing demand, with airfare prices projected to rise. Additionally, flight delays and cancellations are likely to persist. The **Tong Sheng Di Mu Jing** also notes, "Spring and Summer will see much wandering," further confirming the increased movement and volatility in 2025.

Significant personnel changes will also occur in 2025, making it a year to watch closely. 

### Natural Disasters and Risks 

Due to the influence of Zi Wei Dou Shu's **Tai Yin Hua Ji (Moon Transformation of Calamity)**, 2025 may see an increased likelihood of natural disasters involving water, such as floods, typhoons, and storms. Thus, vigilance is necessary for such events.

### Social and Celebrity Scandals 

The Tai Yin star not only symbolizes the Moon but is also associated with "Peach Blossom" (romantic or sexual relationships). In 2025, this suggests a higher rate of nighttime accidents. I advise reducing late-night outings to minimize risks. Additionally, there may be a wave of celebrity scandals, particularly involving sexual misconduct, which could dominate public discourse.

### Malaysia in 2025 

On August 31, 1957, over 20,000 people witnessed Malaysia’s Independence Ceremony, which officially began at 9:30 AM. Tunku Abdul Rahman read the Proclamation of Independence, followed by seven resounding shouts of "Merdeka!" I used the birth chart based on this time to analyze Malaysia's Eight Characters, along with those of Sabah and Sarawak using September 16, 1963, as the basis.

#### Key Insights: 

Malaysia’s Day Stem is weak Yin Wood (Yi Wood), requiring additional Water and Wood elements to strengthen itself: 

1. **2025's Yi Wood Year**: 

   - The Heavenly Stem (Yi Wood) provides some assistance, but its strength is limited. 

   - The Earthly Branch (Si Fire) forms a harmonious combination with Malaysia’s Monthly Branch (Shen Metal), generating Water. Water, in turn, nurtures Wood, offering economic support and assistance. 

   - However, Si Fire also clashes with Malaysia’s Daily Branch (Hai Water), forming a "Hai-Ma Clash." This indicates a higher likelihood of transportation accidents and continued flight delays or cancellations. 


2. **Political Instability**: 

   - Si Fire’s clash with Yin Wood, coupled with Malaysia’s ten-year major luck cycle currently in Ren Yin, points to frequent political disputes and turbulence. 

   - The Annual Flying Stars place the **Five Yellow Misfortune Star** in the Northeast, directly affecting Sabah. This suggests potential unrest or chaos in Sabah, particularly during elections. Recent corruption scandals involving state assembly members could be just the beginning. 

### Lessons from Metaphysics 

From my two decades of practice in Feng Shui, I’ve learned that the heavens often give signs before events occur. For instance, shifts in celestial phenomena toward the end of a year can often indicate what’s to come. I encourage everyone to stay observant and attuned to these signals.


For additional context, see my blog post on the **Ge Gua Hexagram**, written on July 21, 2021: [Blog Post]( 

### The Ge Gua Hexagram 

Ge Gua is the 49th hexagram in the I Ching, forming a pair with the 50th hexagram, Ding Gua. Together, they embody the concept of "Revolution and Renewal." The Ge Gua symbolizes "fire within water," indicating that reform is both necessary and challenging. 

- **Tuan Ci (Judgment Text)**: 

  - Revolution requires the right timing and trust from the people. Only when the time is ripe can change succeed. 

  - Historical examples, such as the Shang and Zhou Dynasties’ transitions, emphasize that successful revolutions align with the heavens and gain the people’s support. 

- **Xiang Ci (Image Text)**: 

  - "Fire within water" signifies urgency and incompatibility. The Ge Gua teaches that while patience is essential before reform, decisive action must follow when the time comes. 

Let’s embrace 2025 as a year of transformation, with opportunities to create a better future amidst challenges.