
Saturday, December 7, 2024

2025属猴的运势 The fortune of people zodiac Monkey in 2025 by Penang Feng Shui Master Lee with English Subtitle



2025 will be a year of special significance for those born under the sign of the Monkey. The Monkey and Snake are compatible, bringing positive energy, but there is also conflicting negative energy. As a result, 2025 will be a year of both good and bad experiences. Fortunately, you will have strong support from benefactors, especially female ones. If you are a single male, there’s a good chance you will meet someone special this year. However, the appearance of the star **[Gu Chen]** might affect your relationships, leading to some instability. Additionally, the inauspicious star **[Gou Shen]** may cause complications in both life and love, making it difficult to resolve matters thoroughly.

Monkey 19321944195619681980199220042016

【天乙 Tian Yi】【太阴 Tai Yin】【孤辰 Gu Chen】【贯索 Guan Suo】【勾神 Gou Shen】【三刑 San Xing


吉星 Auspicious Stars

【天乙 Tian Yi

吉星驾临,大贵人星,事业上倍添助力,尤其是工作需与人接触或对从事销售者更为有利。[天乙贵人] 人命逢之,  如得生旺及有贵格吉星相扶助, 主气宇轩昂, 福寿双全, 富贵人间。天乙贵人星也是个大贵人星,它有助于你是事业上发展啊其是工作上那些从事销售业的而且需要跟人家接触有助于人缘。

【太阴 Tai Yin

女性贵人星,倘若直属上司或老板是女性,将容易受到赏识。一颗稳步上扬的财星,只要不过分急进。 [太阴]出现是一颗强力的女贵人星。如果你的上司是女性,你的老板是女性,你将会得到赏识,你的财运方面呢,从女人那边可以得到财。你的女性顾客,你的女家人,你的妈妈,你的姐姐妹妹,女亲戚对你的助力是最大。那些单身的男性如果要找女朋友,因为有太阴星的出现,所以是有助于你的感情的发展。

凶星 Inauspicious Stars

【孤辰 Gu Chen

有被孤立之意, 主孤独且闷闷不乐。已婚人士可能会因为经常远走外地,孤枕独眠,而且与配偶聚少离多,以至沟通不足彼此关系疏离。未婚者可能会与伴侣分手. 而且,有时你会感到孤独和无助。所谓【男忌孤辰,女忌寡宿】, 尤其对男生的感情发展不利.

【贯索 Guan Suo

即口舌是非, 常主是非词讼, 钱财不能自主, 行动都受到了限制.

【勾神 Gou Shen

常表现为是非不断,口舌风波。勾神 代表着一种复杂、纠缠不清的力量,预示着在命主的生活或事业中可能会遇到阻碍、纠纷或不易解决的麻烦。纠缠不清, 争执和纠纷, 感情波折, 牵制和阻碍. 勾着不放,纠缠不清,生活和感情方面都有牽制,拖泥带水,无法斩草不除根。

【三刑 San Xing





**【天乙】** **【太阴】** **【孤辰】** **【贯索】** **【勾神】** **【三刑】**




### 吉星





太阴星是一颗女性贵人星,如果你的上司或老板是女性,你会受到特别的赏识。这颗星同时也是一颗稳步增长的财星,只要不过于激进,财运将会逐渐改善。单身男性在感情上将会可能遇到心仪的女朋友. 你有女性贵人的帮助,有机会遇到合适的伴侣。女性亲人如母亲、姐姐、妹妹等都能为你提供支持。


### 凶星


孤辰星象征孤独感,容易让人感到被孤立。已婚者可能因为经常外出而与伴侣聚少离多,导致关系疏远。未婚者则可能面临感情波折或分手,特别是对男性的感情发展不利,容易感到孤独和无助。所谓【男忌孤辰,女忌寡宿】, 尤其对男生的感情发展不利.











People born in the Year of the Monkey: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016


**[Tian Yi]** **[Tai Yin]** **[Gu Chen]** **[Guan Suo]** **[Gou Shen]** **[San Xing]**


2025 will be a year of special significance for those born under the sign of the Monkey. The Monkey and Snake are compatible, bringing positive energy, but there is also conflicting negative energy. As a result, 2025 will be a year of both good and bad experiences. Fortunately, you will have strong support from benefactors, especially female ones. If you are a single male, there’s a good chance you will meet someone special this year. However, the appearance of the star **[Gu Chen]** might affect your relationships, leading to some instability. Additionally, the inauspicious star **[Gou Shen]** may cause complications in both life and love, making it difficult to resolve matters thoroughly.


### Auspicious Stars

**[Tian Yi]**

The **Tian Yi** star is a powerful benefactor star that brings career support, especially for those who need to interact with others or are in sales. This star helps you excel in your work, brings influential benefactors to aid you, and enhances your interpersonal relationships.


**[Tai Yin]**

The **Tai Yin** star represents female benefactors. If your boss or supervisor is a woman, you will likely gain recognition. This star also signifies steady financial growth, as long as you don’t act too hastily. Single men may meet a romantic partner thanks to the influence of this star. Female family members like your mother, sisters, or female relatives will provide significant support in your life.


### Inauspicious Stars

**[Gu Chen]**

The **Gu Chen** star represents loneliness and isolation. Married individuals may find themselves frequently away from their partners, leading to emotional distance. Unmarried individuals could face relationship issues or breakups. This star is particularly unfavorable for men, potentially hindering their romantic progress.


**[Guan Suo]**

The **Guan Suo** star indicates disputes and conflicts, making you prone to arguments and legal troubles. This could also lead to financial constraints and restricted actions.


**[Gou Shen]**

The **Gou Shen** star signifies entanglements and unresolved issues. It could bring conflicts and obstacles in your personal and professional life, making it hard to untangle problems or break free from difficulties. Relationships and emotions may be affected by ongoing struggles.


**[San Xing]**

**San Xing** is an ominous sign that suggests the possibility of legal penalties or accidents. The “San Xing” involving the Snake, Monkey, and Tiger indicates that your efforts might go unappreciated, leading to situations where your hard work is not acknowledged or even creates unnecessary complications.

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