
Sunday, June 23, 2024

什么是一命二运三风水四积德五读书?What is the Concept of "One Fate, Two Luck, Three Feng Shui, Four Accumulation of Virtue, Five Study"?**














大家可以读读《了凡四训》来了解,即使命运不好,通过行善积德也可以改变命运。 所谓的舍得,舍得,要有舍才有得, 就是说必须要先有所舍弃,才能有所获得。




Recently, many people have asked me to teach them feng shui. However, due to time constraints, the lengthy preparation required, and a lack of manpower, I have written this article in hopes that those who wish to learn how to interpret feng shui will read it thoroughly and understand it. 

**What is the Concept of "One Fate, Two Luck, Three Feng Shui, Four Accumulation of Virtue, Five Study"?** 

Today, let's discuss how to navigate the path of life. The ancients often said: "One fate, two luck, three feng shui, four accumulation of virtue, five study." They believed that the primary influence on our lives is fate, followed by luck, then feng shui, accumulation of virtue, and study. But what does this mean? 


Fate is ranked first because it is the most important. So, what is fate? Fate refers to the inherent or predetermined aspects of life. Your fate is predetermined and beyond your control. For example, if you are born into a wealthy family, your fate will naturally be better than someone born into a poor family. From a fate perspective, you cannot choose the family or the exact time of your birth. Therefore, I no longer assist people in choosing birth dates and times for their children, as this is determined by a HEAVEN. Based on my experience, even if I specify a time for a birth, the baby often arrives earlier than the specified time, indicating that the specified time was not the destined time for that baby's arrival.

 In fate analysis, a person's "eight characters" (Bazi) are formed by the year, month, day, and hour of birth, constituted by heavenly stems and earthly branches, representing fate or inherent conditions. Scientists have proven that genetic inheritance plays a significant role in a person's life. A child who inherits good genes from their parents will have better basic conditions. For example, if both parents are tall, handsome, and beautiful, the child is likely to be similar. If the parents are intelligent, their children are likely to excel. Scientists have also shown that genetic research greatly aids in understanding cancer cells. A family with a history of cancer can pass down these genetic traits, and some people are born with disabilities—this is fate, the inherent conditions beyond our control. 

There is a saying, "A three-year-old's fate is set for life." From my personal experience, the most accurate way to understand a person's life path is through their inherent characteristics. A person's character determines their life's path. A strong-willed person will persist through difficulties. A person with the fate of Wu Yang Earth (戊阳土) is often a strong leader, steadfast like a rock, unyielding in the face of challenges. Deng Xiaoping is a prime example of a Wu Yang Earth personhe endured multiple political setbacks but remained resilient. Conversely, those with Yin fate tend to be more gentle, preferring to work behind the scenes and avoid leadership roles. This is fate. Now you understand why fate is ranked first.




Luck is second. We often combine "fate" and "luck" in conversation, but in fate analysis, they are distinct. Luck refers to the conditions you encounter throughout life. Everyone has ten-year luck cycles, and these can be broken down further into annual and even daily luck. How is luck determined? It depends on whether the elements you need (metal, wood, water, fire, earth) are present. If the elements you need, known as "useful gods" (用神), are present without conflict, you are experiencing good luck. Otherwise, you are experiencing bad luck. This is why people say fate cannot be changed, but luck can.


Typically, when a person transitions from one ten-year luck cycle to another, they experience changes, much like a train arriving at a station before continuing to the next. This transition can feel uncomfortable, akin to a train overcoming initial friction before moving smoothly. Thus, it is normal to feel uneasy when entering a new ten-year luck cycle.


**Feng Shui**


Third is feng shui. If both your fate and luck are favorable, feng shui can help you achieve even greater success. Feng shui can assist you in reaching new heights. However, if your luck is unfavorable, you need to rely on feng shui to adjust your life path.


The saying "One fate, two luck, three feng shui" emphasizes that when studying residential feng shui, one must first study the owner's fate and luck, or their Bazi. Many people believe that water symbolizes wealth and place flowing water features throughout their homes, which is incorrect. If the owner's Bazi has an excess of water, adding more will only cause harm. Therefore, it is essential to understand the owner's fate before applying feng shui principles.


Feng shui has many schools of thought, but I use the principles of Xuan Kong Flying Stars. Feng shui essentially involves understanding how astronomy and geography affect human magnetic fields. 'Astronomy' refers to the influence of celestial bodies like the sun, moon, and planets (known as the Seven Luminaries) on people. Geography concerns the impact of our living environment. For example, ancient wisdom in the Tongsheng calendar accurately predicts solar and lunar eclipses because it is based on astronomical studies. The balance of yin and yang magnetic fields in the solar system creates predictable planetary rotations and revolutions. Earth orbits the sun in approximately 365.25 days, while Jupiter, the largest planet, takes 12 years. Its strong magnetic field significantly affects us, giving rise to the twelve zodiac signs—a concept rooted in natural physical science. 'Astronomy' is an integral part of feng shui, reflecting how celestial influences impact humans.


In feng shui, 'geography' comprises landforms (Luan Tou) and energies (Li Qi). Luan Tou is the visible part of feng shui, including external and internal landforms. External landforms refer to natural features like mountains and rivers, while internal landforms involve home layouts, such as kitchen stove placements that should avoid conflicts between water and fire elements. Li Qi is the invisible part, focusing on 'qi' or magnetic fields, understood through Xuan Kong Flying Stars theory. For instance, we are currently in the Ninth Luck (Period 9), which is associated with fire in the postnatal bagua. Industries related to fire, such as AI, electric vehicles, and solar energy, are thriving. Southern Asian countries like Singapore, India, and Indonesia are also rapidly developing.


**Accumulation of Virtue**


The fourth influence on a person's life path is the accumulation of virtue, embodying the idea that good deeds are rewarded and evil deeds are punished, similar to the Buddhist concept of karma. We should speak kindly, do good deeds, and have good intentions.


Reading "Liao-Fan's Four Lessons" can help you understand that even if your fate is unfavorable, you can change it through virtuous actions. The concept of "sacrifice and gain" means that you must give something up in order to gain something in return.




The fifth influence is study. In ancient feudal society, a person could change their fate by passing imperial examinations and becoming an official. Ancient society categorized people into four professions: scholars, farmers, artisans, and merchants. Scholars held the highest status, but they had to pass exams to gain social standing. Becoming a scholar meant becoming an official, leading to wealth and honor, encapsulated in the saying, "Ten years of hard study unknown, one day fame spreads far and wide." Today, similarly, a person can achieve their career goals through academic success.


In our rapidly advancing world, continuous learning is crucial. For instance, we must now learn about artificial intelligence to keep up with global changes. Therefore, one must never stop learning and progressing. Thinking you are already skilled enough to stop learning will quickly render you obsolete in this ever-evolving world.


Later, as the saying spread, people added more elements, such as "six fame, seven appearance, eight worship, nine influential connections, ten health, eleven career and marriage choices, twelve seeking fortune and avoiding misfortune, thirteen enduring hardships without complaints, fourteen avoiding rigid good-evil judgments, fifteen destiny and opportunities," and so on. However, the most influential are still the first five: fate, luck, feng shui, accumulation of virtue, and study.

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