
Sunday, September 1, 2024

2025年十二生肖重点抢先看 Key Insights into the Chinese Zodiac for 2025




2025年是蛇年,因此属蛇的人会犯太岁。蛇的对面生肖是猪,猪代表冲太岁。通常,属猪的人运势较差,因为冲太岁的负能量最强。如果你今年犯了太岁或冲了太岁,通常会遇到更多的烦恼,感觉一波未平一波又起,助力不大,事倍功半。虽然努力了很多,但结果可能不如预期。不过,也不必过于担忧。保持平和心态,采取守势而不是冒进是明智的选择。建议在立春(232025)之前去庙里祈福拜拜,并多做善事,比如施舍,因为“舍得,有舍才有得”。另一个破解方法是,在太岁的位置摆放当年太岁三合生肖的装饰品或照片, 蛇、鸡和牛是三合生肖。要找到家中的太岁位置,你可以使用指南针测量。站在家中的中心点,打开电话的指南针,找到东南142.5-157.5度的位置,摆放牛和鸡的装饰品,以化解太岁的负能量。同时,避免在该位置动土或装修。 






在钱财方面,属鼠、兔和虎的人运势较好。属鼠的人因为玉堂星的出现,将有“金玉满堂”的机会。属兔和属虎的人也有福星加持,因为各自都有禄勋和八座。八座就像拥有豪华汽车,虽然属虎的人有相刑和相害的负能量,但也有财富吉星。属兔的人有凶星天狗,日食月食时要特别小心,所谓的天狗食日(也叫天狗吞日), 千万别去看日食和月食,因为它的负能量,特别对属的特别不利。因此建议捐款给流浪狗保护协会。 







Key Insights into the Chinese Zodiac for 2025 

Today, I will teach you how to check your zodiac fortune for each Lunar New Year. First, it’s crucial to understand whether your zodiac sign will clash with Tai Sui (the Grand Duke Jupiter) or face the Tai Sui clash in that year. You can refer to my previous video, which explains the concepts of offending Tai Sui and clashing with Tai Sui in a concise manner: Video Link  (

2025 is the Year of the Snake, so people born under the Snake sign will face Tai Sui. The opposite sign of Snake is Pig, which represents the clash with Tai Sui. Generally, those born in the Year of the Pig will experience worse fortune because the negative energy of the clash with Tai Sui is strongest. If you face Tai Sui or clash with Tai Sui this year, you will usually encounter more troubles, feeling that one problem is followed by another, with limited support and results that fall short of expectations. However, there’s no need to worry excessively. Maintaining a calm mind set and taking a defensive rather than aggressive approach is a wise choice. It is recommended to visit a temple for prayers and good deeds before the beginning of spring (February 3 2025), and to perform acts of charity such as giving alms because “one must give to receive.” Another solution is to place decorations or photos of the zodiac signs that are in harmony with Tai Sui in the Tai Sui position of your home. To find the Tai Sui position in your home, you can use a compass. Stand at the center of your home, open the compass on your phone, and find the southeast position between 142.5 and 157.5 degrees. Place decorations of the Ox and Rooster there to counteract Tai Sui's negative energy. Also, avoid any construction or renovations in that area.

The Snake, Rooster, and Ox are in harmony, so people born in the Year of the Rooster and Ox will have more support in 2025. Those born in the Year of the Monkey will also have favorable fortune since the Monkey and Snake have a harmonious relationship. However, there is a conflict between Snake, Monkey, and Tiger which may affect the Monkey’s fortune. ‘Conflict’ means potential penalties, including traffic fines. The ‘conflict of power’ formed by the Snake, Monkey, and Tiger may lead to efforts that exceed rewards, with others failing to appreciate your contributions. To understand these zodiac relationships, including clashes, harmonies, conflicts, and harms, you can refer to my Bazi book: Book Link , which explains these concepts in detail.

Additionally, the relationship between the Snake and Tiger is one of mutual harm, which could lead to encountering troublemakers, disputes, or jealousy from others. This relationship will cause potential argument. Therefore, people born in the Year of the Tiger will have worse fortune in the Year of the Snake and should focus on doing good deeds, adopting a defensive approach rather than being aggressive, and thinking carefully before taking action. 

Of course, one should not judge a year’s fortune solely based on zodiac signs, as the Bazi (Four Pillars of Destiny) including the year, month, day, and time are also important. You can use online tools to check your Bazi for an accurate understanding of your year’s fortune. The year zodiac represents the environment, the month zodiac represents capabilities, the day zodiac represents interpersonal relationships, and the time zodiac represents plans. 

After examining zodiac relationships, we also need to consider the auspicious and inauspicious stars for each zodiac sign this year. 

In 2025, people born in the Year of the Rat will have the best fortune due to the presence of the powerful auspicious stars Zi Wei Star and Long De Star. Zi Wei Star is the brightest star in the Big Dipper and is known as the Emperor Star, thus having the strongest energy. People born in the Year of the Rat will have the most favorable fortune and supportive environment in 2025.

 Regarding wealth, people born in the Year of the Rat, Rabbit, and Tiger will have good fortune. The Rat will have opportunities for wealth due to the presence of the Yu Tang Star. People born in the Year of the Rabbit and Tiger will also be blessed by fortune stars, as they each have Lu Xing and Ba Zuo. Ba Zuo is like having a luxury car; although Tigers have negative energy from conflicts and harms, they also have wealth stars. People born in the Year of the Rabbit have the negative star Tian Gou, so they should be particularly careful during solar and lunar eclipses, as Tian Gou eating the Sun (also known as Tian Gou swallowing the Sun) brings negative energy, especially affecting those born in the Year of the rabbit. Therefore, it is advisable to donate to a stray dog protection association. 

In terms of work and career, people born in the Year of the Rooster, Dog, and Pig will perform well due to the presence of auspicious stars related to power, with opportunities for promotion. For support, those born in the Year of the Rat, Tiger, Horse, Monkey, and Dog will have help from benefactors.

 For romance, people born in the Year of the Dragon and Dog will have good fortune. People born in the Year of the Dog will have the Hong Luan Star, which may bring marriage or joyful events. People born in the Year of the Dragon will have the Tian Xi Star, which may bring new additions to the family or marriage. In terms of opposite-sex relationships, people born in the Year of the Horse will be the most fortunate but should beware of inappropriate relationships. People born in the Year of the Horse will have both the Peach Blossom and Xian Chi stars, leading to more social interactions, but they must be cautious of inappropriate relationships.

 In terms of health, people born in the Year of the Dragon, Snake, and Horse should pay particular attention to their health. People born in the Year of the Horse are especially intelligent due to the presence of the Wen Chang Star. People born in the Year of the Sheep, after years of good fortune, will need to rely on their own efforts in 2025 due to the lack of auspicious stars and limited support.

 In 2025, zodiac signs prone to disputes and misfortune include the Ox, Tiger, and Rooster. Be cautious of being misled or falling victim to fraud or complaints. To counteract this, avoid placing trash bins in the northeast, as it is affected by the 5 Yellow Star of Misfortune, which impacts the Tiger and Ox the most. Since San Sha (Three Killings) is in the east, which is the direction of the Rabbit, people born in the Year of the Rabbit should also guard against disasters by placing three Qilin statues in the east to suppress the San Sha, especially those born in the Year of the Rabbit.

 People born in the Year of the Snake should also be cautious of blood-related disasters and might need to undergo surgery. It is advised for people born in the Year of the Snake to donate blood this year to mitigate the effects.

 If time permits, I will create detailed videos for each zodiac sign’s fortune, sharing detailed insights on each sign's luck. Stay tuned!

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