亚罗士打是个安乐平静的城市, 四周圍都是平原, 山在远处, 虽然有美丽的山川但都在远处, 因此虽然有好的人才, 但人才都向外发展, 因此敦姑和敦马都必然的向外发展以得天下.
除此之外, 易经的后天八卦告诉我们, 乾位也就是皇帝位在西北方, 亚罗士打就在马来西亚的西北方. 看看中国, 西藏就在中国的西北方, 请问你怎么能夠管制皇帝呢? 所以中国中央政府很难管理西藏, 同样的马来西亚中央政府很难管理在西北方的吉打和梹城, 敦马在位时曾说他不知梹城人究竟要什么!
再看看中国的历史, 西北方是中国历代皇帝必争之地, 诸葛亮教导刘備佔領蜀国, 蜀国在中国的西北方, 从此得以三國鼎立. 毛澤東驻军在西北的延安, 结果他战勝蒋介石. 清朝的雍正皇帝派年羹堯到西北, 结果他到北京城拜见雍正皇帝时, 坐在马上不肯下马拜见雍正! 那吉和阿都拉不是不能停止敦马发言吗?
刚才讲易经的后天八卦告诉我们, 乾位也就是皇帝位在西北方,在亚罗士打的西北方发现一座很像大象的山, 叫象屿山, 而且是一座出産水晶之山. 大象是地球陸地上最大最重的动物, 它很徤壮, 即使几十个人同时推它也推不倒它. 在许多地方如印度, 泰国和中国都把大象视为是很吉祥的动物, 因此象屿山成就了两位马来西亚的首相. 因为大象出现在亚罗士打的西北方, 山管人丁水管财, 亚罗士打因此出现了伟人.
山管人丁水管财, 有好山就有好人才. 有好水就有好财富. 可惜的是象屿山已经不及当年的美了. 敦马把稻米博物館和科學中心建在象屿山不知是否与风水有关呢?
Thus, if you are a boss, North-West is your place. You should place your office at the North-West. Check and see if your staff who is occupying at the North-West of your company is difficult to be controlled by yourself. If yes, then you should change his or her place. Instead, you should occupy the North-West.
My advice to BN and Pakatan is they should not take the North-West likely. Instead, they should focus on Perlis, Kedah and Penang if they wish to do well in the next election.
Master lee- can u post in english? :)
I like both of your books which have been presented in very simple and understandable English. Your feng shui book has generated my curiosity to know further.
Hong CN
Thanks, CN Hong.
Sam, I m sorry as recently I m quite busy with talks and consultations. Furthermore, some of the things are hard to translate. Will do it when I find time. Thanks.
Master Lee, well done. Good article. Perhaps Penang in the north west of Malaysia may also produce its 2nd Prime Minister soon.
What about Perlis?
Thanks Cheong Tatt.
I also noticed that Perlis is one of the states which has changed its MB very often. It could be that Perlis is at the NW??!! Hard to be controlled.
Alor Setar, it is the birth place I came from. Master Lee, what is ur new resolution in this year 2010 year?
Master Lee, thanks for your sharing and you've remind me to sit in north west of the office :)
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010 to you. May wish to new year will bring good luck to all!!!
Thank you very much, Steve & Sek. Happy new year to you.
Steve, thanks for reminding me to organize my plan for 2010 but I think the most important wish for me for 2010 is to be able to help more people in 2010.
Master Lee,
You are welcomed. When will you go and visit Alor Setar again? Maybe I want to invite you to visit my house. :)
I will love to pay u a visit at Alor Setar if u invite me there. Thanks.
HAha. Penang People seems not easy to manage.
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