Annual inauspicious flying star, 2 black is at the West (before 4 Feb 2010) and it had already caused the H1N1 diseases which has started from Mexico. Mexico is also at the West. Haiti is located close to Mexico which is at the West of the Earth.
According to I-Ching 易经, 2010 is a year of ‘Thunder Earth Yu Gua’ 雷地豫卦 and the worst flying star, 5 yellow star will fly to the South West, hence, I predict there will be more earthquakes in 2010, especially at the region near to Chile which is at the South West of the Earth Greatest Earthquake Chile .
Master Lee,
Thanks for the article. I feel sad when I saw the news on the earthquake in Haiti. There are too many earthquake and water disaster happened in recent years..
Aside from this, what should house owner whose house facing south west need to do for this coming new year since 5 yellow star will fly to the South West?
We are lucky that we reside in Malaysia that does not have too many natural disasters.
The most powerful tool to minimise the impact of 5 yellow is the 'fortune water'. You can get it from me.
Nice fill someone in on and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you for your information.
So sad!So many disaster happened lately....must do more good deeds.
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