踏入兔年, 你犯上本名太岁. 要在立春日4/2/2011前到太岁庙作福,有助驱散凶星的缠扰。加上命宫见’剑锋’和’伏尸’几颗凶星.仍然在学的小朋友,今年受到’剑锋’和’太岁’的影响,读书精神涣散,不易集中。做父母的可为子女在立春日前到庙作福,有助驱散凶星的缠扰。
剑锋’主有刀光和斗争, 因此在公司里有一番龙争虎斗.
When you step into the year of rabbit, your luck may not be very promising. It is advisable for you to go to the temple or church in the beginning of spring before 4/2/2011 to pray for good fortune and it is helpful to dispel the disturbance of the fearful star.
Addition to that, there is ‘Jian Feng’ and a fearful star of ‘Fu Shi’; they will affect the concentration of students in their studies. It will be hard for them to concentrate in their studies, hence, if you are the parents, please go to temple in the beginning of spring to pray for good fortune of your kids.
However, there are still some auspicious stars in 2011. 'Jin Kui’, represents there is a good opportunity to start a business. If you always dream of becoming a boss yourself, in this year you will have the opportunity to implement your plan. ‘Jin Kui’ is a wealth star. It is a businessman wealth star, also illustrates your business will run smoothly and turnover is steadily on the raise.
'Jiang Xing’ is a star of authority and power. However it is a military general star, which means you have to fight in order to achieve the outstanding record.
The appearance of the ‘Sword edge God’ indicates that there will be arguments in your company.