
Saturday, April 25, 2020

Adidas,Spotify和WiFi徽标由3条阳线(阳爻)乾卦组成 Adidas, Spotify and WiFi logos are formed in 3 yang lines, Qian Qua

 代表着天 Qian Qua represents the sky / heaven. 

易经八卦 Yi Jing Ba Gua

无字天书, 易经八卦的第一是乾 6000年前, 伏羲当年一画开天, 代表着天,乾由三个阳爻都是纯阳形成,天代表着刚健,也代表男主人皇帝。AdidasSpotifyWiFi徽标由3条阳线(阳爻)组成,这意味着非常结实,有力且充满活力。

The first Qua of The Book of Change or the Philosophy of Change, Yi Jing, Wordless Heaven Book is Qian Qua. 6000 years ago, Fu Xi draw a line which represent the sky or the heaven. Qian Qua represents the sky / heaven. Qian Qua is formed by the three Yang Yaos are pure yang. Also represents the master or the emperor. Adidas, Spotify and WiFi logos are formed in 3 yang lines, Qian Qua ,which mean very strong, powerful and energetic.

There are 64 combinations of YiJing Bagua. There are 64 combinations of DNA as well.

There are ba gua in the ancient compass that found in the Kuching Sarawak Museum. 
古晋砂拉越博物馆(Kuching Sarawak Museum)发现的古代指南针中有八卦。
The outer ring of the upper shell of a spiritual turtle must be 24 knots.

古時代的高智慧, <天人合一>, 如果地球是一个大宇宙, 那人体就是一个小宇宙。 地球的三分之二是水,人也一样。 地球有24个节气 人体脊椎骨也有24个节。 中国四大发明之一, 其中一个就是今天的指南针也就是罗盘, 罗盘里面有24个山, 360度分成24个方向。 有灵性的乌龟的上壳之外环一定是24个节。 八卦64,DNA也有64个组合. 易经单数为阳和双数为阴, 因此我们有一个头两个脚。

In the high wisdom of the ancient times, there was a say “the heaven and man united”. If the earth is a large universe, then the human body is a small universe. Two thirds of the earth is water, and so are the human. The earth has 24 solar terms and the human spine also has 24 nodes. One of the four great inventions in China, one of which is today ’s compass, which is the ancient compass, Lou Pan. There are 24 mountains in the ancient compass, Lou Pan dividing 360 degrees into 24 directions. The outer ring of the upper shell of a spiritual turtle must be 24 knots. There are 64 combinations of YiJing Bagua. There are 64 combinations of DNA as well. The odd number of the Yijing is yang and the even number is yin, so we have one head and two feet.

天人合一 The unity of heaven and man

在风水里好的峦头是在左青龙右白虎前朱雀和玄武的地方, 简单的来说是后有靠山, 前面是遥望无际, 没有阻挡; 就像一个人躺着后面有舒服的沙发, 没有阻挡, 那就是天人合一.

The good exterior Feng Shui is the place where is located at a place which in front of the red phoenix, back with black Turtle, left green dragon and the right white tiger. In simple terms, there is a backing mountain in the back, and the front with ample space without any obstruction; just like a person lying on the back with a comfortable sofa, with no block in front, that is the unity of heaven and man.

'天人合一'是中国文化中的重要概念, 按照这一概念的要求, 人作为大自然的一份子, 按照天道运行的方式生活, 就化大自然所有为自己所有, 进而达到和自然融合为一体的境界。这种境界是许多古人毕生所求, 而风水是人和大自然调谐共生的学问。所谓'天人合一'从根本上说就是教人如何最有效地利用自然, 而采取方法顺应天道, 这就是'风水'。

在古人的眼里 大地给于滋养他们的生命, 就像母亲一样, 大地是有生命的, 人类不过是大地生命的一部分。

易经里的变和佛学里的无常是同样的道理. 色 = 阳,空 = 阴, Hardware software 阳间与阴间.

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