
Sunday, April 5, 2020

Why is GPS very strong in Sarawak? 为何GPS在砂拉越坚不可克?

Hornbill 犀鸟

Dewan Undangan Negari Sarawak 砂拉越州议会堂

The reason why Gabungan Parti Sarawak is very strong in Sarawak is because of the feng shui of the Sarawak Assembly Hall (Dewan Undangan Negari Sarawak). The design of the Assembly Hall looked like a bird cage. Sarawak is known as Bumi Kenyalang ("Land of the Hornbills") and hornbill is state bird of Sarawak. The cage detains the hornbill and control it.

Also, the Assembly Hall is located at an auspicious location which is the place of 玉带环抱. The river flow of the River of Sarawak forms the 玉带环抱

Gabungan Parti Sarawak之所以在砂拉越仍然坚不可克,是因为砂拉越州议会堂的风水。州议会堂的设计看起来像鸟笼,而砂拉越则被称为Bumi Kenyalang犀鸟之地。犀鸟是砂拉越的州鸟。笼子关着犀鸟并加以控制。


The men-made river in the Forbidden City is called the Golden Water River 金水河 and the flow the river is bent and curved and it is auspicious as if the flow of the river is bent and curved then it is passionate. Whereas, straight flow of water is ruthless instead.

The shape of the Golden Water River 金水河in front of the Hall of the Supreme Harmony (the main hall in the Forbidden City) 太和殿 is known as the 玉带环抱 yu dai huan bao a jade belt around your waist. It is like someone is hugging and protecting you.

You will notice the application of the bow concept in the Forbidden City of Beijing, China whereby the men-made river is built like the shape of bow is designed at the entrance of the palace which is a design to protect the palace against any undesired qi. The palace is located inside the bow, so it is protected by the bow.


太和殿位于故宫正门前的金水河形状,被誉为玉带环抱“ yu dai huan bao”。就像有人在拥抱和保护您。


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