
Thursday, January 23, 2025

2025生肖羊的运势 The fortune of people zodiac Goat in 2025


2025生肖羊的运势 The fortune of people zodiac Goat in 2025

By Penang Feng Shui Master Lee



总体运势 Overview


In recent years, those born under the zodiac Goat have generally enjoyed favorable fortunes. However, as the saying goes, "The heavens are fair," and no one can always have good luck. The phrase “extreme joy begets sorrow; hardship begets joy” aptly describes the cycle of fortunes. In 2025, individuals under the Goat zodiac lack auspicious stars, meaning success will heavily depend on their own efforts. Special attention should be paid to the ominous star "Leopard Tail" (
豹尾), which symbolizes sudden and unexpected dangers. Interpersonal relationships require caution to avoid offending others or meddling unnecessarily.

吉星 Auspicious Stars


Unfortunately, there are no significant auspicious stars for the Goat zodiac in 2025.

凶星 Inauspicious Stars

1. 豹尾 (Leopard Tail)

  • 豹尾代表突如其来的危险,其寓意源自踩到豹的尾巴。踩到豹尾,可能会引发猛烈的反击。因此,在与人相处时务必谨慎,避免因强出头或多管闲事而招致是非或危险。此星也提醒属羊人在事情接近尾声时格外小心,避免功亏一篑。
  • "Leopard Tail" symbolizes sudden and unforeseen danger, derived from the idea of stepping on a leopard's tail, which provokes an attack. This star advises extreme caution in dealing with others—avoid standing out or meddling unnecessarily to prevent trouble or danger. It also serves as a warning to exercise vigilance when nearing the completion of tasks, as setbacks are more likely at such times.

2. 地丧 (Earth Mourning)

  • 地丧预示悲伤、丧失及变故,特别是与土地、居住环境和家庭有关的变动。属羊人需特别注意居住环境和家庭关系,以避免因忽视而导致的困扰或损失。
  • "Earth Mourning" signifies grief, loss, and upheaval, particularly concerning land, living environments, or family. People born under the Goat zodiac should pay close attention to their living conditions and family dynamics to avoid distress or losses arising from negligence.

3. 大煞 (Di Sha) & 飞廉 (Fei Lian)

  • 大煞飞廉预示意外伤害和突发性灾难。属羊人应避免参与高风险活动,例如攀岩、跳伞、潜水等,以防止因意外事故而导致乐极生悲
  • "Di Sha" and "Fei Lian" indicate a heightened risk of accidents and sudden calamities. Those born under the Goat zodiac are advised to refrain from engaging in high-risk activities such as rock climbing, skydiving, or diving to avoid accidents and misfortunes.

属羊人在2025年的建议 Suggestions for Zodiac Goat in 2025

1.     依靠自己的努力和毅力度过这一年。

2.     在人际交往中谨言慎行,避免招惹是非。

3.     避免高危活动,以防意外发生。

4.     特别关注家庭和居住环境,防止潜在的问题带来困扰。

1.     Rely on personal effort and determination to navigate the year.

2.     Exercise caution in social interactions to avoid conflicts or trouble.

3.     Steer clear of high-risk activities to prevent accidents.

4.     Pay special attention to family and living environments to address potential challenges.

While 2025 may present challenges for the Goat, careful planning and self-discipline can help navigate the year safely.

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