### 如何优化2025年的风水:家庭、办公室或商铺指南
### **2025年飞星图:蛇年何时开始**
- **五行元素:** 水
- **摆设:** 水景,如喷泉或流水
### **2. 中宫:飞星2(黑色)——疾病、财务损失、负能量**
- **五行元素:** 金
- **摆设:** “安忍水”、五枚古钱或铜制乌龟
### **3. 西北方:飞星3(碧绿)——争吵、法律纠纷**
- **五行元素:** 火
- **摆设:** 红色地毯、红灯或红色装饰品
### **4. 西方:飞星4(绿色)——学业、创造力、爱情**
- **五行元素:** 木
- **摆设:** 文房四宝、文昌塔
### **5. 东北方:飞星5(黄色)——不幸、障碍、事故**
- **五行元素:** 金
- **摆设:** “安忍水”,但不能用流动的水
### **6. 南方:飞星6(白色)——偏财、机遇**
- **五行元素:** 金和土
- **摆设:** 水晶球、六帝钱
### **7. 北方:飞星7(红色)——争执、抢劫、健康问题**
- **五行元素:** 水
- **摆设:** 一杯粗盐水
- **五行元素:** 土
- **摆设:** 棕色水晶
### **9. 东方:飞星9(紫色)——财富、幸福、新的开始**
- **五行元素:** 火和植物
- **摆设:** 9盆植物或竹子,红绳,紫水晶
2025年,**东方**是最强的方位,因为我们已经进入**第九运**,飞星9(紫星)主宰九运。它对财富、幸福和新的开始非常吉祥。9为喜庆位, 喜事,例如新生婴儿,添丁和新婚庆贺。在那里放置9盆植物或9个竹子植物。用红色的绳子把9棵竹子紧紧的捆在一起。另外,请在那里放一张轻轻的红色的地毯。请加强这个地方,及放置**紫水晶**可以激活积极的气。此外,放置**风扇或钟表**有助于气的流动。这也可以让你增加财富.
**How to Optimize Your Feng Shui in 2025 for Home, Office, or Shop**
As we enter the Year of the **Yin Wood Snake (乙巳年)** in 2025, the energies shift based on the annual **Flying Star Chart (流年飞星图)**. Aligning the elements of your space with these stars can improve your wealth, relationships, health, and career prospects. Below is a comprehensive guide to optimizing the Feng Shui of your home, office, or shop for 2025.
According to Feng Shui Master Lee's
book, *How to Use Feng Shui to Enjoy Your Life*, http://www.penangfengshui.com/index.php?pages=book_enjoyyourlife_ebook
arranging your space in line with
the energies of the Year of the Snake can enhance prosperity, love, and health.
These recommendations are based on the Flying Stars of 2025 but should be
further customized based on the specific orientation and structure of your
building, your personal BaZi chart, and the construction date of your property.
### **Annual Flying Star Chart 2025:
When the Year of the Snake Begins**
The **Year of the Snake** officially
starts on **February 3, 2025, at 22:10**, marking **Li Chun (立春)**,
the start of spring. This is also known as **"San Yang Kai Tai" (三阳开泰)**, symbolizing an auspicious time for new beginnings.
To activate the Feng Shui energy
(Qi) in your space, make sure everything is clean and clutter-free before Li
Chun. Turn on all the lights and fans to stimulate the flow of Qi, and offer
prayers to Heaven before placing any Feng Shui cures.
- **Element:** Water
- **Placement:** Water feature, such
as a fountain or flowing water
The **South East** sector is particularly favorable in 2025 for enhancing wealth, love, and career prospects. If your BaZi chart indicates a need for the Water element, placing a **water feature** here can be especially beneficial. Flying Star 1 can also boost sales, attract new partners, and improve personal relationships, particularly if you wish to enhance your romance luck.
However, the South East is also the **Tai Sui (Grand Duke 太岁)** location for the year, making it a highly sensitive area. Avoid any renovations or major disturbances to this sector, as it could invite misfortune.
### **2. Centre: Flying Star 2
(Black) – Illness, Loss of Wealth, Negative Energy**
- **Element:** Gold
- **Placement:** 'Fortune Water' (安忍水), five old Chinese coins, or a bronze tortoise
The **Centre** of the house in 2025 is linked to illness and financial loss due to the influence of Flying Star 2 (Black). To counteract these negative effects, place **Fortune Water (安忍水)** or **five Emperor coins** or a bronze tortoise in this sector. These items can help neutralize harmful energy and protect against sickness and financial difficulties.
Remember to keep the **Fortune
Water** clean by regularly changing the water and adding rough salt. This is
especially important during periods of bad luck, illness, or financial stress.
- **Element:** Fire
- **Placement:** Red carpet, red
light, or red decorative items
The **North West** sector is
governed by Flying Star 3 (Jade), which can cause disputes, arguments, and
legal problems. To neutralize these negative energies, place **red items** like
a carpet, light, or sofa in this area. The **Fire element**, represented by the
color red, can help suppress the argumentative energy of this star.
Additionally, a **Sunrise picture** can symbolize positivity and fresh starts.
### **4. West: Flying Star 4 (Green) – Study, Creativity, Romance**
- **Element:** Wood
- **Placement:** Ancient Chinese
study tools (文房四宝), Wen Chang Pagoda (文昌塔)
In 2025, the **West** is an auspicious sector for academic success, creativity, and romance. Flying Star 4 encourages intellectual growth and creative breakthroughs. Students can improve focus and academic performance by placing **Four Treasures of Study (文房四宝)** or a **Wen Chang Pagoda (文昌塔)** in this area. It is also very important for those who work, have to come out with brilliant and creative ideas. Thus, all have to activate the qi at this place. Go to the West of your house if you need to make an important decision.
### **5. North East: Flying Star 5
(Yellow) – Misfortune, Obstacles, Accidents**
- **Element:** Metal
- **Placement:** 'Fortune Water' (安忍水), but no moving water
- **Element:** Metal and Earth
- **Placement:** Crystal ball, Six Emperor coins
The **South** sector is governed by Flying Star 6 (White), which brings opportunities for **indirect wealth**, such as investment gains or lottery wins. To activate this energy, place a **crystal ball** or **Six Emperor coins** in the South sector. Spending more time here can attract unexpected financial opportunities.
### **7. North: Flying Star 7 (Red)
– Arguments, Robbery, Health Issues**
- **Element:** Water
- **Placement:** Glass of water with rough salt
The **North** sector is unstable in 2025, influenced by Flying Star 7 , which can lead to arguments, robbery, and health problems. Placing a **glass of water with rough salt** in this sector can help neutralize these negative effects and prevent conflicts or theft.
### **8. South West Flying Star 8
(White) – Wealth and Prosperity**
- **Element:** Earth
- **Placement:** Brown-colored
- **Element:** Fire and plant
- **Placement:** 9 potted plants or
bamboo, red string, purple crystal
The East sector also contains the **Three Killings (三煞)** in 2025, so adding **three Qi Lin** (麒麟) statues can mitigate its negative effects.
To find the sectors in your home or office, start by drawing two intersecting lines from the corners of your space to identify the center. Then, use a **digital compass** (available on most smartphones) to determine the cardinal directions. Once the sectors are identified, place the recommended Feng Shui cures in each area.
To maintain the effectiveness of your Feng Shui cures, regularly clean them by wiping with a cloth soaked in water mixed with **rough salt**. This is especially important during times of bad luck or illness. You should also clean them when you have very important to do on certain days such as attending an interview, an examination, a presentation or to meet a very important client to close a very important deal.
By following these Feng Shui
principles in 2025, you can enhance the positive energy (Qi) in your home, office,
or shop, improving your wealth, health, and happiness. Ensure that you align
the five elements—wood, fire, earth, metal, and water—appropriately in each
sector to maximize the benefits and mitigate negative energies.
If you do not know where to purchase the feng shui items that suggested above and wish to have it, please kindly call my brother 016-4208378 or write to us at masterlee@penangfengshui.com
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