流年见’太阴星’出现.太阴星’出现是一颗强力的贵人星. 今年有贵人相助尤其是女贵人.
流年见’贯索’,代表你情绪常常陷于消极状态,精神不足易发生交通意外. 要避免不测之意外需维持作息定时,也要确保有良好睡眠质素以及注意安全勿闯红灯否则便难逃血光之应了。
There is a 'Tai Yin Xing' appears for the Snake. This is an auspicious star which mean that you will have good help especially from the female.
You see 'Guan Suo' this year, represent your mood will often get stuck in negative state and it is easy for you to encounter traffic accident. To avoid that please ensure you have good quality sleep and good quality meal as well as obeying the traffic regulation. Snake may feel lonely this year too.
You see 'Guan Suo' this year, represent your mood will often get stuck in negative state and it is easy for you to encounter traffic accident. To avoid that please ensure you have good quality sleep and good quality meal as well as obeying the traffic regulation. Snake may feel lonely this year too.

流年见‘丧门’ 出现主老人患病,而’地丧’则主年级大的人士必须要谨慎饮食,注意出入安全以防发生不测的意外。年轻人要多留意家中老人的身体状况。若发觉健康出现问题,就要马上就医。
For Dragons, there is a 'Sang Men' which mean the old person will fall ill. 'Di Sang' indicates that those elderly dragons should control the diet and food that they consume, and also they have to care good take of their safety in order to avoid any accident. Young dragons will have to take care of the body condition of old person at home. If there is any health problem arises, immediate medical attention need to take place.