The Late Mr. Cheong Fatt Tze
The Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion
After visiting The Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion, Georgetown, Penang, I really have the strong feeling that feng shui is scientific and it is a philosophy of change as our Earth does not stop revolving, the magnetic energy of the Earth will not be the same all the time. Every 20 years, there will be a change of period (yun). The qi in a place is not permanent 风水轮流转. As what I always said if feng shui is permanent and static, then the feng shui of the Forbidden City which is close to perfect since there were many well-known feng shui masters who actually had provided the Emperor with brilliant advices to build the palace should helped to assist the Ching and Ming Dynasties to continue ruling China. Obviously it is impossible.
I have the same feeling after visiting The Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion. The mansion was believed to be build according to what the late Cheong Fatt Tze wanted or in another word it was according to his desired elements 五行用神and not his family’s desired elements. This is because every one of us has different desired elements. Thus, his descendants did not keep what he has passed to them. He was such a wealthy man who has eight official wives and mistresses but the feng shui of the mansion did not help him to pass his properties down to his descendants. Hence, I want to say “Nothing is perfect. We just do our best!”
The mansion was build not following the traffic flow direction of the road or it was twisted. I believe it was made to get direction of the late Cheong Fatt Tze’s desired elements. If not, then it had made according to the angle of the strong gua in the I-Ching during the time (yun) when the mansion was built. I applied the same theory too in my feng shui audits and one of them is the Pinang Laguna Show House in Butterworth
Pinang Laguna Condominium

Air Well

The Layout Plan
Some of plus points about the feng shui of the mansions are:-
Also the middle of the house is a very crucial place in a house 龙穴 and in Forbidden City, there is a building called the Jiao Tai Palace 交泰殿 which located in between the palace of the King乾清宫and the palace of the Queen坤宁宫. Stay tuned and I will complete my sharing about the feng shui of the Forbidden City soon. Please stay tuned for my post of Forbidden City Feng Shui Part 4. I noticed a number of apartments are built with the washroom at the centre of house. It is not good in term of feng shui.
Air well in the centre of the mansion also in line with ‘Later Heaven Bagua’ whereby centre does not represent any family members. Apart from that, the Sun also can shine through the air well to increase the positive energy or the yang energy to the house especially if your house is not bright enough. Thus, if you buy a house and there is an air well whereby the Sun can shine into the house, please try not to close up the air well. It is in fact superb to have an air well in your house, especially at the centre of your house this year 2010 because the wealth annual star, 8 white is at the centre of your house.

2. As I mentioned in my book “How to enhance your wealth with feng shui?” http://www.penangfengshui.com/index.php?pages=info_book_01 page 82
"The higher the ceiling, the better is the capability to capture wealth as what has been illustrated in the Pavilion Kuala Lumpur. It is also the reason why all the bungalows of the rich men are built with high ceiling.” You can notice that the ceiling of the mansion is high. When a ceiling is build high, the air in the house is relatively cooler and more comfortable naturally. Thus, we say feng shui is about natural environment and we will live comfortably if you follow what the nature wants us to be.
3. As I mentioned in my book “How to enhance your wealth with feng shui?” http://www.penangfengshui.com/index.php?pages=info_book_01 page 38. "If the buildings at the back of your building is higher than yours is good. You have the support 靠山 kao shan. This is because turtle is a very slow and quiet reptile. If at the back of your house, there is a quiet, firm and tall building, you will always get the help that you need. But, if there is a market or a noisy commercial area at the back of your house, you will not have the help that you require. It will be even better if there is a tall and majestic hill behind your house. You can put a decorative item with the shape of turtle at the back of your house to enhance the opportunity of obtaining assistance." The back of the mansion was made higher than the front which has better black turtle 玄武.