Monday, March 28, 2011
Basic Feng Shui Class
Friday, March 25, 2011
Anwar in Sex Scandal again?

We heal the world together.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Saving Lives in Japan

Below is an extract from an email from Dr Brendan J Gomez, a Director and Consulting Psychologist of Asian Research Center for Child & Adolescent Development (ARCCADE)
'It is heart wrenching to see on the news that thousands more lives of tsunami victims could be lost due to freezing temperatures in Japan. Thousands of families and children are in make-shift shelters with insufficient heating/blankets. .........
If you wish to donate, please pass a new blanket to the S. P.Setia Office.
This is the song I love to listen when there is a major disaster ....WE HEAL THE WORLD TOGETHER!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
West hits Libyan Gaddafi defenses, Who is next after Japan?

Many people asked me where is the next place after Japan that possibly to be hit by serious earthquake, my finding is actually in-line with what the expert said i.e. the California . If you understand the Pacific Ring of Fire, you will know that the serious earthquakes actually started from Haiti to Chile, then to New Zealand and now is at Japan. Hence, who is next?
This year, the flying star no 9 which is a fire star is at the West and this place might be too hot with volcanoes there. Please refer to . Furthermore, there is three killings ‘三煞’ there. If the volcanoes become active then it is possible that California will be hit. Anyway, I seriously wish that my prediction will not come true this time.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
The reading of feng shui has helped me to predict the Massive Earthquake in Japan (part 2)

Buddhist Tzu Chi Merit Society
Account No: MBB 5070 1312 6489
Tel: 604-229 7021
then email to fax: 604-226 1013
Please provide below info when email/fax to Tzu Chi.
Cheque No (if any), Amount, Date bank in, or email the bank in slip. and mention 'donation to Japan' .
Regardless of whether you are a Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, ... etc, you can also help by praying hard and sincerely that situation would not get worse.
I said in my book page 31 - 35, 古人说: 一命二运三风水四积德五读书. 要积德就能改命运。According to our ancestors, a man's life is determined by 5 factors. The 5 factors according to importance are: 1st destiny, 2nd luck, 3rd feng shui, 4th good-will and 5th education. 4th Good-will, do good and perform good deeds to make your life better. In Buddhism, it is called cause and effect or 'karma', the preordained fate that is generated by a person's actions. Someone can also enhance their luck by having a strong willingness to help others. Your luck will become better eventually when one performs more charity. In short, we have to do something good and say something nice everyday.
OK, now let me share with you how I managed to predict the massive earthquake in Japan. If you refer to my book that I mentioned above on page 150, the worst annual flying star 5 yellow is at the East and Japan is the country at the most East of the world if you refer to the map of the world. On top of that, if you check the monthly flying star, you will notice there is also flying star 5 yellow there at the East. Both the worst stars (annual and monthly stars) are at the East on March, thus, there is basically hopeless for Japan. On top of that, the tsunami has occurred at the North East of Japan because both the annual and monthly flying stars 1 which is water are at the North East therefore there is heavy water there at the North East.
Apart from that, the month and year pillar are all 辛卯 Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch. There is too much gold at Heavenly Stem chopping the plant at Earthly Branch. 辛 is yin gold and 卯 is yin plant.
As the matter of fact, I was hoping that the Japanese Government could read my blog dated 27 Jan 2011 and believed me so that they could carried out necessary precaution measures to minimise the impact of the earthquake but later realized that it is impossible for me to do so as the power of the 5 yellow is so strong that we could not do anything to stop it. Furthermore, I could not tell where is the direction of earthquake and tsunami exactly. Hence, I have to put more effort to learn more about the knowledge of feng shui which is the ancient treasure from our ancestors.
Friday, March 11, 2011
The reading of feng shui has helped me to predict the Massive Earthquake in Japan.
Oh my goodness, my prediction came true again! I was in fact praying that the worst has over when the 7.2 earthquake hit Japan on 9 March 2011 even though I knew I was just trying to cheat myself. I just told my friend yesterday that the worst has yet to come.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Bazi, a Fortune Telling Method

从一开始要写这本书就感到很难, 因为第一, 我的时间不夠用; 第二, 要写一本深入浅出的有关八字的书并不简单. 老实说我发觉我真的很难在市场上找到一本深入浅出的八字书, 而我一向来的作法是希望把复杂的玄学知识以简单的方式与大家分享, 因此我告诉自已我一定要做到.
前几年见了一位女雇客, 我问她是否有自杀倾向因为在妳的八字中有’自缢煞’, 她回答说’有’, 在她的丈夫去世后, 她得了心理病, 有了自杀倾向. 我告诉她我也曾得了心理病, 当时的我最怕遇见熟人,我把自己关起来, 不能睡也不能吃,但我走出来了, 如果我能你也一定能.
回忆起当年的我, 到处求神問卜, 到处找答案, 但总不能得到我要的答案, 最后当我开始研究了东方玄學和风水, 终于让我明白了什么是命运, 什么是风水. 从中明白了我的人生, 所以我一再強调, 东方玄學的学问是先人高深而且宝贵的智慧, 它帮了我走出人生的低潮, 开始明白人生是什么. 它也改变了我的人生. 它并非迷信. 我也开始应用八字与风水学来助化他人. 我将继续做下去, 希望能助化到更多的人.
现在的我最高兴的并非是得到更多财富, 而是听到有人说”Master Lee, 谢谢你, 你让我明白何为命运, 何为風水, 你真的帮了我许多, 真的谢谢你.”
那天我连络上了之前想自缢的女雇客, 好高兴知道她终於走出了她的阴影, 真的谢天谢地. 社会的文明其实帶来许多文明病, 这世界壓力太大了, 我常遇到许多不了解如何处理自己壓力的雇客, 他们迷失了方向, 甚至于想自缢. 我要说”生命可贵. Life must go on. 如果我能你也一定能.” 当你走差运时, 一切都不如意, 当你走好运时, 一切都不一样了, 人有三衰六旺, 因此别悲观.
古人说: 一命二运三风水四积德五读书. 要积德就能改命运.
1. 什么是八字?
八字又稱为四柱, 是根据一个人的出生的年, 月, 日和时辰来计算. 它可告诉我们许许多多的东西. 我们可以用它来推算一个人的命运. 它是我们祖先留传给我们的宝贵财富, 我爱把它稱为我们祖先留传给我们的宝贵知识宝库. 我常鼓励大家以理性的方式研究风水因为这门学问并非迷信, 它是我们祖先的偉大智慧和宝库.
八字的起源是4600多年前黃帝时代的伏羲氏所创的最先计算日子的方法, 稱为天干 stem与地支 root.
当一个人出生时, 当时的能量磁场便会被他所吸收, 而不同时刻的能量磁场将对此人产生排斥或吸引的影响. 以此原理来计算就可以推算一个人的命运. 如果当时的能量磁场是排斥, 那就对此人不利或他将行衰运, 反之, 如果是当时的能量磁场是吸引, 那就对此人有利或他将行好运. 这个原理与磁铁的原理是同道而行的. 当你掌握了自已的命运, 你将知如何去面对它. 当你行好运时, 你可要”衝”. 反之, 当你行衰运时, 你可要”守”.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
You can find all my books here.
A number of readers wrote to me and asked whether can they come to my office to purchase my books but I m sorry that I always disappointed them. This is because I have to move about and you can hardly find me in my office.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
My book will be the reference book for USM students