I would like to highlight to you that you should take it as a reference ONLY as it is not logical to have all those who are born in the year of pig to share the same fortune in 2012. To be more accurate, it is better to read your bazi as a whole as there will be more data to be obtained from the bazi which include the year, month, day and hour that you were born. It is similar to if you go for a doctor for diagnosing, for accuracy, the doctor will go for blood screening, CT scan, x-ray and etc to have a more precious information than just to check your body temperature solely, isn’t it?
2012 龙年, 生肖猪者有’红鸾星’动大利感情亦主有喜庆之事年长的人士会有嫁女娶媳妇或是添孙的喜事。而正在蜜运的朋友则今年会共谐连理。仍是单身的人会在今年找到合适对象。
今年肖猪很好, 要好好把握机会的向前冲. 流年有’紫微星’坐命的人士,事业上都会有明显的进步。今年你是才华没法挡,虽然你并没有刻意表现自己,但有榭自然香,你的工作能力大家有目共睹,所以被点名提拔是迟早的事,你将有很多发挥的机会,只要用点心机,便可以事半功倍,创造美好成绩,那么,升迁的日子自然不会远了。
2012 龙年, 生肖猪者有’红鸾星’动大利感情亦主有喜庆之事年长的人士会有嫁女娶媳妇或是添孙的喜事。而正在蜜运的朋友则今年会共谐连理。仍是单身的人会在今年找到合适对象。
今年肖猪很好, 要好好把握机会的向前冲. 流年有’紫微星’坐命的人士,事业上都会有明显的进步。今年你是才华没法挡,虽然你并没有刻意表现自己,但有榭自然香,你的工作能力大家有目共睹,所以被点名提拔是迟早的事,你将有很多发挥的机会,只要用点心机,便可以事半功倍,创造美好成绩,那么,升迁的日子自然不会远了。
’紫微星’和‘龙德’的力量应比‘天厄’ 的力量来得強.
In this year, the appearance of the ‘Hong Luan Xing’ illustrates there will be some happy events such as wedding and adding of new member to the family. If you are still single, you may look forward to find a suitable companion in this year.
This is a very good year for pig and hence please goes all out if you have any good opportunity. This is because of the star of ‘Zi Wei Xing’. In this year nothing is going to block your talent, though, you do not show self painstakingly. Your working ability will be perfectly obvious and known by others. Thus, sooner or later there will be opportunity for promotion. You will have the opportunity of shining brightly this year.
‘Long De’ is your strong nobleman star. It can guide you to develop the wisdom and satisfactory solution during any difficult situation.
However, even with the help of ‘Zi Wei Xing’ and ‘Long De’, you still have to be aware of the star of ‘Tian E’ as this is star that will come in and jeopardise your task when it is close to the time of success. There will be some blockage appear suddenly, the work that you have done will be completely vanishes and you have to start the work all over again. However, the power of ‘Zi Wei Xing’ and ‘Long De’ should be higher than ‘Tian E’.
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