伏羲 氏
Korea flag韩国国旗 There is a I-Ching bagua in Korea flag and the blue and red at the center of the flag are the yin and yang of the I-Ching bagua.
不丹国旗Bhutan flag
There is a dragon in the Bhutan flag.
During my feng shui seminar recently at Public Bank, I asked the audience a question that is why there is a three-line in the gua of the bagua (Eight Diagrams) and not two, four, five or six lines.
Let me explain what is the line in the bagua Eight Diagrams again. In Chinese, we call it “Yao”, I said before that I-Ching has existed approximate six thousand years ago by Fuxi when mankind during that time did not know how to write or read and hence there was no text. There are only symbols. Some call the I-Ching as “a book from heaven without words” because there was no word.
The three lines in the Eight Diagrams represent <天人地> heaven (sky), human and earth (land). We, mankind is staying in between the sky and land. We are in between the “change’” and “no change”. This is because the sky on top of us is constantly changing. Now is sunny day but later it may be a raining day. But the piece of land that we stand does not change. Human being in the middle of the heaven and the Earth, we must know how to face the “change” and “no change” and that is the most difficult thing for human being to learn. Basically, the natural nature of human being, we do not like changes. Do you like your lover to leave you? But in fact we cannot control it as life is impermanent. One day, your loved one will leave you or you will leave them earlier.
In the history of mankind, humans are to find the answer in between “change” and “not change”, struggling in making decision on whether to develop and not develop. If we develop; the beautiful natural surroundings will be undermined by humans. However, without development; the world would stop.
A lot of knowledge that we learn today is originated from the I-Ching <易经>, include has Feng Shui, Chinese Medical Studies, Taiji and even the Sun Zi Bing Fa, Art of War of Sun Tzu. 孙子兵法. Sun Tzu said right time, right people and right place is originated from I-Ching <天人地> (heaven, human and earth).
I-Ching is in fact a philosophy about changes and it is the fact of the universal that never change and it is always there.
The word I 易in I-Ching is the Chinese word of lizard or chameleon and it means “Changes” as chameleon always change its color. It is in fact in line with the Buddhism belief <无常> impermanence; transiency. Chinese love the dragon and it is considered as the most auspicious animal. In the olden day, the Emperor was considered to be the avatar of Dragon. Only the Emperor is allowed to use the items with the shape of dragon. In the I-Ching <易经>, the words dragon also always appears such as <飞龙在天>, <潜龙勿用>, <群龍無首>. As the matter of fact, Dragon is actually the representative of <变> changes, because Dragon always vagrant, change and move about.
In the actual fact, does the Dragon exist? No one has seen Dragon! In fact, Dragon is combination of a various animals. Dragon’s horns are the horns of goats. Dragon’s ear is the ear of ox. Dragon’s eyes are the eyes of Tiger. Dragons claw is claw of eagle, Dragon’s nose looked like the nose of Lion. Dragon’s teeth are like the teeth of horse and nevertheless, dragon’s tail is the tail of the gold fish.
我最近在我的风水讲座会上问听众一个问题, 那就是为什么《易经》的八卦都是由三个爻形成, 而非二, 四,五或六爻形成?
让我再解釋何为爻yao, 我曾说过《易经》原自于整六千年前的伏羲 氏, 当时人类并没有文字, 他们靠的是符号. 《易经》里的阳爻__和阴爻- -就是那样来的. 因此有人稱《易经》为无字天书, 因为开始时它只有符号. 而《易经》的八卦都是由三个爻形成是因为它代表着<天人地>三才.
人是顶天立地, 我们站着这片土地上, 而天就是在我们头上; 天是无时无刻都在变化的, 现在天晴, 等一會就下雨. 但我们站着的这片土地没有变, 人在天和地的中间, 我们必须知道如何面对变和不变, 那是最艰难的学问. 人类的天性并不喜欢变, 试问你喜欢你心爱的人离开你吗? 但很无奈的生离死别, 生命无常,有一天, 你心爱的人会离开你或你会先走一步. 在人类的历史里, 人类也在变和不变中找寻答案, 在发展和不发展中挣扎. 如发展;那美丽的大自然就会被人类破坏. 如不发展;那世界就会停頓下來.
很多学问是原自于<易经>, 包括了风水学, 中医, 太极拳, 甚至于孙子兵法, 孙子兵法里的天时, 地利, 人和就是原自于《易经》的八卦的三个爻, 它代表着<天人地>三才, 缺一不可行也.
<易经>就是在讲解一个自古以來不变的道理, 那就是所谓的<变化无常>.
易由蜥蜴而得名, 而蜥蜴能夠变色,俗稱「变色龙」,指天下萬物是常变的, 和佛学里的<无常>是同样的道理. 华人喜欢把龙当作最吉祥的动物. 古代皇帝就是龙的化身, 只有皇帝可以使用龙. 《易经》也常有龙的出现如<飞龙在天>, <潜龙勿用>,<群龍無首>等. 《易经》的龙其实代表<变>, 因为龙总是变化莫测. 神龙见首不见尾!
其实龙有存在吗? 没有人见过龙! 其实龙是由各种动物来形成, 龙角是鹿角,龙耳是午耳, 龙眼为虎眼, 龙爪是鹰爪, 龙鼻是狮鼻, 龙齿为马齿, 龙尾更为金魚尾.