
Tuesday, October 16, 2018

兔 Rabbit 2019


吉星 Auspicious Stars
【三台】,【将星】is strong leadership is expected in career . [三台】representing highlight on personal talents, Successful career development, especially for civil servants and management. You will find that there is an appearance of [San Tai] and it is your powerful helper star, which means you can achieve what you aim for. [San Tai] is good for career promotion and excellent achievement in the examination. Thus, this is a year that you will have the opportunity of promotion and getting flying colourful result.
【将星】symbol of strong leadership, if they are engaged in administrative work or management.
凶星 Inauspicious Stars
【五鬼】The villain appears, it also means that the individual is under great stress and is prone to doubts, especially for emotional and personnel relations, the most affected.
[官符]a star of argument and may have some legal problem. Put extra care when you sign any agreement.
2019属兔 · 财运
2019属兔 · 事业
2019属兔 · 感情
2019属兔 · 健康
2019 rabbit overall luck
Rabbit’s luck in the Year of the Pig is better than that of the Year of the Rooster and the Year of the Dog. The new year you better focus on your career and hopefully see good results. There is no serious problem with health, but it is easy to be affected by the bad quality sleep due to work stress. It is recommended to relax, do more decompression exercise and travel more. The love affair is slightly benefited, and the Year of the Pig is expected to be popular or to meet the Mr. Right.
2019 rabbits • Wealth
The Year of the Pig is obviously better, and the ability to make money and gain more wealth has improved. It is a year of steady improvement. Wealth is dominated by direct wealth, instead of indirect wealth which means the income you gain from your direct income, not from gambling or investment. Your investment strategy needs to be conservative. You are expected to raise their salaries. The New Year you may wish to consider buying a solid blue chip or making a medium to long-term investment.
2019 rabbits • Career
Auspicious stars are flying in, and it is most helpful for those who are engage in disciplined forces, civil servants or administrators. It is recommended to strive for an upgrade or a training opportunity, and it is expected to have good performance. Rabbits will also make progress in staying or hopping this year, but they are prone to mental stress and neurasthenia due to work stress.
2019 rabbits • Love
Emotion is relatively stable, and it is a year of re-starting and progressing. Single people can pay attention to friends in the workplace. If they meet the Mr. Right, they may wish to communicate more. The existing partner has a harmonious relationship and strong feelings, but it is easy to let the other half feel left out because you need to spend more time in your career.
2019 rabbits • Health
Health has improved. It is recommended to balance work and rest time in the New Year, and it is better to do more decompression exercise or more contact with nature. At the same time, beware of overeating or lack of sleep, beware of urban diseases. In addition, influenced by the evil star, try not to visit the mourning and avoid going to a secluded cemetery or temple.

我要强调,我们应该只把生肖年运程作为参考之用罢了,因为它仅仅是基于一个人的出生年份来分析一个人运程。让所有在同一年出生都共享相同的运程是不符合逻辑的. 如果要更准确,最好是分析一个人的整体生辰八字,因为生辰八字会包括你出生的年,月,日,时, 那从它我们可以获得更多数据或资讯。它就类似,如果你去请医生诊断,为了更精准,医生会进行血液检查,CT扫描,X射线等,以获得更多数据或资讯,而非仅仅检查你的体温罢了. 仅是基于出生年份来分析一个人运程就好比仅仅检查你的体温罢了, 小病还无妨, 但如遇大病就不行了.

I would like to highlight to you that you should only take the zodiac horoscope as reference only because it is ONLY based on the year of birth to analyze what is going to expect for a person. It is not logical to have all those who are born in the year of rat to share the same fortune in a year. To be more accurate, it is better to read your bazi as a whole as there will be more data to be obtained from the bazi which include the year, month, day and hour that you were born. It is similar to if you go for a doctor for diagnosing, for accuracy, the doctor will go for blood screening, CT scan, x-ray and etc to have a more precious information than just to check your body temperature solely, isn’t it?

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