
Tuesday, October 16, 2018

鸡 Rooster 2019


吉星 Auspicious Stars
【文昌】则有利读书,考试及升迁,不妨趁这年积极进修,为未来做好准备。[文昌]入命, 主聪明过人, 又主逢凶化吉. 气质雅秀, 举止温文, 好学新知, 具上进心. 一生近官利贵. 今年头脑清醒, 特别聪明, 有利于考生.
这也意味着你今年更聪明。 请利用您的智慧在您的职业和业务中获益。
【文昌】It is good for reading, examination and preferment. It is good to have more training in this year and prepare for the future. [Wen Chang] means intelligent and good fortune. It is helpful for students in their studies.
It also means that you are smarter this year. Please use your intelligence to gain your benefit in your career and business.
凶星 Inauspicious Stars
【天狗】Easy to encounter small accidents and small scares after going out, including abnormal weather at the destination, baggage or flight delays, property damage and others, it is recommended that travel insurance should be purchased in advance before going out.
【吊客】try not to go to the hospital for funeral, but rather to attend the festive activities of relatives and friends, full with positive energy, which helps strengthen personal fortune.
2019属鸡 · 财运
2019属鸡 · 事业
2019属鸡 · 感情
2019属鸡 · 健康
Rooster overall fortune
In the New Year, the individual's thoughts and emotions are positive, and no matter whether they are progressing in wealth fortune, career, or health, they are the years of standing and re-starting. Rooster focuses on career development, and the New Year needs to be more hand-on. This year you will win with your extraordinary wisdom.
2019 Rooster • Wealth
There is a slight increase in the overall financial situation, which is a year of steady progress. However, it is necessary to make a fortune through personal efforts. At the same time, there are fierce stars flying in. When the rooster has a chance to encounter baggage or property loss, they are advised to purchase travel insurance first, and always be alert during travel.
2019 Rooster • career
Rooster in this New Year is superior to concentration, observation and analytical skills. It is extremely beneficial for on-the-job training, assessment and interviews. It is the most helpful for management or creative industry professionals. New opportunities are expected to be promoted in the New Year, and those who intend to change job will also have outstanding performance.
2019 Rooster • Love
Not much changes in your love affair. If there is a happy event such as celebration of new family member and wedding, the emotional stability in the Year of the Pig will be higher. If there was a break-up in the previous years, this New Year will be the year of re-starting. Singles may wish to pay more attention to people around you while they are studying, working, or traveling.
2019 Rooster • Health
Health is good, but there are still trivial murderous stars in the New Year. It is easy to go out and encounter small accidents, and there are also opportunities for being injured by animals. It is recommended that the Year of the Pig should be as unsuitable as possible for visiting the sick and mourning.

我要强调,我们应该只把生肖年运程作为参考之用罢了,因为它仅仅是基于一个人的出生年份来分析一个人运程。让所有在同一年出生都共享相同的运程是不符合逻辑的. 如果要更准确,最好是分析一个人的整体生辰八字,因为生辰八字会包括你出生的年,月,日,时, 那从它我们可以获得更多数据或资讯。它就类似,如果你去请医生诊断,为了更精准,医生会进行血液检查,CT扫描,X射线等,以获得更多数据或资讯,而非仅仅检查你的体温罢了. 仅是基于出生年份来分析一个人运程就好比仅仅检查你的体温罢了, 小病还无妨, 但如遇大病就不行了.
I would like to highlight to you that you should only take the zodiac horoscope as reference only because it is ONLY based on the year of birth to analyze what is going to expect for a person. It is not logical to have all those who are born in the year of rat to share the same fortune in a year. To be more accurate, it is better to read your bazi as a whole as there will be more data to be obtained from the bazi which include the year, month, day and hour that you were born. It is similar to if you go for a doctor for diagnosing, for accuracy, the doctor will go for blood screening, CT scan, x-ray and etc to have a more precious information than just to check your body temperature solely, isn’t it?

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