
Tuesday, October 16, 2018

虎 Tiger 2019


吉星 Auspicious Stars

【国印】Is a business-related, powerful power; this star is especially beneficial for those involve in office work or those involve in creative jobs like a as design, writing, advertisement and scriptwriting, and will have outstanding performance and opportunities for promotion.

【太阴】代表女性贵人星,倘若直属上司或老板是女性,将容易受到赏识。一颗稳步上扬的财星,只要不过分急进。 [太阴]出现是一颗强力的女贵人星.
【太阴】representing female nobles, if the boss is a woman, you will be easily appreciated. A steadily rising wealthy star, as long as it is not too fast. [太阴] appears mean there is a strong female noblemen star that comes in to help.

凶星 Inauspicious Stars
【贯索】即口舌是非, 常主是非词讼, 钱财不能自主, 行动都受到了限制.
【贯索】quarrel. Often means argument.  You cannot be independent in wealth management or control. Your action may be restricted or confined.

[勾神] 常表现为是非不断,口舌风波。
[勾神] often manifested as unwanted argument.

【孤辰】则有被孤立之意, 主孤独且闷闷不乐。已婚人士可能会因为经常远走外地,孤枕独眠,而且与配偶聚少离多,以至沟通不足彼此关系疏离。未婚者可能会与伴侣分手. 而且,有时你会感到孤独和无助。
【孤辰】means is to be isolated. It is a loneliness star means you may be lonely as your partner may leave you alone to work or study elsewhere or you may feel lacking of help around. Unmarried persons may break up with their partner. Also, you will feel lonely and helpless sometimes.

[亡神],主耗败,亦主官非和是非、容易卷入是非的漩涡;另外,「亡神」发威时会使人失去主张,让事情做了却没有结果,因而最后引申为钱财的损失。 「亡神」,有人说是代表阴气重的地方,因此令人情绪低落而容易钻牛角尖.
[亡神] easy to get involved in the whirlpool of right and wrong or unnecessarily argument. In addition, it will make people lose their ideas, so will not complete the works that have been planned and finally extended to the loss of money. It is only about situation that will create depression and easily enter into a dead end.


2019属虎 财运

2019属虎 事业
肖虎者事业发展渐入佳境,打工一族比从商者更受惠, 有不俗的升迁机会。但同时人际关系变得复杂,建议工作时格外谨慎,待人接物谦逊低调。不论打工或从商,都应“以守为攻”,稳守业务。【太阴】代表女性贵人星,倘若直属上司或老板是女性,将容易受到赏识。

2019属虎 感情
【孤辰】孤枕独眠,而且与配偶聚少离多,以至沟通不足彼此关系疏离。未婚者可能会与伴侣分手. 有结婚打算者不妨实行,有添丁打算者亦可积极把握机会,但容易因家宅问题与伴侣起争拗。单身一族可透过女性长辈【太阴】结识新对象,扩阔生活圈子,但未必有突破性的发展。

2019属虎 健康

2019 Tiger overall fortune

From time to time, the problems will affect your emotions. Everything should be conservative. The pig year is always ‘Difficult first then easy". As long as you are more patient, try to calm down. 【孤辰】 is you will be isolated. It may be a helpless year and you have to depend mainly on yourself.

2019 Tiger • Wealth
Wealth is prone to ups and downs, and the weak interpersonal relationship in the New Year has made things complicated. Businessmen should be careful to deal with their partners in order to avoid "losing money due to financial difficulties." There are always been a source of financial resources, and investment should be based on stability. [太阴] represents a female noble star, and if your direct supervisor, client or the boss is a woman, you will be easily appreciated and gain wealth indirectly.

2019 Tiger • career
The development of Tiger's career is getting better and better. The working people are more beneficial than the businessmen, and there are good opportunities for promotion as there are powerful auspicious power star【国印】and 【太阴】female noble star. At the same time, interpersonal relationships have become complicated. It is recommended to be extra cautious when working, and to be humble and low-key. Regardless of whether you are working or doing business, you should "stay as defence rather than an attacker" and stick to your business scale. [【太阴】[Taiyin] represents a female noble star, and if it is a direct supervisor or the boss is a woman, it will be easily appreciated.

2019 tiger • Love
【孤辰】- Lonely sleep alone, and may separate with the spouse and have less opportunity to stay together due to frequent travel, and even the lack of communication. Unmarried people may break up with their partners. Those who have a marriage plan may wish to implement it soonest. Those who have a plan to add a family member may have to implement it soonest. It is easy to argue with their partner about the problem of home. Singles can broaden their life through women's elders 【太阴】[Taiyin], but they may not have a breakthrough.

2019 tiger • Health
Health care will be more volatile, with more entertainment, and beware of over-eating and affecting health. It is recommended that Tiger to conduct detailed physical examinations at the end of the year donate blood and wash teeth.

我要强调,我们应该只把生肖年运程作为参考之用罢了,因为它仅仅是基于一个人的出生年份来分析一个人运程。让所有在同一年出生都共享相同的运程是不符合逻辑的. 如果要更准确,最好是分析一个人的整体生辰八字,因为生辰八字会包括你出生的年,月,日,时, 那从它我们可以获得更多数据或资讯。它就类似,如果你去请医生诊断,为了更精准,医生会进行血液检查,CT扫描,X射线等,以获得更多数据或资讯,而非仅仅检查你的体温罢了. 仅是基于出生年份来分析一个人运程就好比仅仅检查你的体温罢了, 小病还无妨, 但如遇大病就不行了.

I would like to highlight to you that you should only take the zodiac horoscope as reference only because it is ONLY based on the year of birth to analyze what is going to expect for a person. It is not logical to have all those who are born in the year of rat to share the same fortune in a year. To be more accurate, it is better to read your bazi as a whole as there will be more data to be obtained from the bazi which include the year, month, day and hour that you were born. It is similar to if you go for a doctor for diagnosing, for accuracy, the doctor will go for blood screening, CT scan, x-ray and etc to have a more precious information than just to check your body temperature solely, isn’t it?

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