
Friday, May 22, 2020

从《易经风水》理解为何习近平多么强大? (关于数字7,第2部分)Understand from "I Ching Feng Shui" why Xi Jinping is so powerful? (About number 7, part 2)

This series is all about history. 这一系列都是关于历史的。

从《易经风水》理解为何习近平多么强大? (关于数字7,第2部分)

周朝是周文王的儿子周武王灭了商朝而建立, 商纣王是商朝最后一个王,他很残暴淫荡,当时有所谓的酒池肉林, 风气很败坏 ,周文王当时只是商王封在西边的一个诸侯 ,他叫做西伯。 因为他的品德很好所以很多诸侯拥护他 ,商纣王因为害怕他的势力所以把他抓进监狱, 他在监狱里完成了后天八卦。 周朝是中国历史最长的一个朝代它差不多有800年, 孔子相当向往周朝 ,这个时候有成康盛世,那个时候40年间监狱里面是没有囚犯的, 所有人都遵守法律。这个时候有周公旦,那就是周武王的弟弟, 当时有姜太公, 也就是姜子牙, 封神榜也是那个时代。 周公在周武王之后摄政 ,虽然他的实力很强大,很多人拥戴他成王, 但是因为他的品德很好他坚持把王位留给自己的侄儿, 就成就了后来的成康之治。 周公旦定了礼乐制度, 当时的铜器都是到了很顶端的时候所以这个时候就是周朝的一个盛世。

周朝盛世之后就是汉朝盛世, 周朝之后就有春秋, 孔子就在春秋这个时代,诸侯国当时都已经好强大所以当时的周朝名存实亡, 之后就是战国时代,  所以就有后来的楚国秦国赵国 ,因为战争所以人民都很辛苦, 后来是秦始皇统一天下, 但秦朝只传给秦二世就灭亡了, 后来就是刘邦汉高祖建立了汉朝。 汉朝也是相当长的一个朝代, 当时有文景之治, 这么长久的战争, 战争平定之后, 现在老百姓有喘气的时间,  所以它也是个盛世。 之前有秦人楚人赵人, 后来都被称为汉人所以有了汉族, 中国华人都称自己汉族。

后来700年之后出现了唐朝盛世, 所以中国历史就是每700年就会出现一个盛世, 贞观之治,当时唐朝时期出现很多诗人李白和杜甫为什么呢?因为大家都丰衣足食就是没有什么需要担忧。 所以说唐朝漂亮的女人都要白白胖胖因为丰衣足食。

唐朝700年之后就是明朝,之前我开始研究历史的时候我对这个看法其实不是很认同,为什么不认同?我们的印象中了明朝是一个很阴暗的一个朝代,有所谓的锦衣卫宦官作乱 其实这个是当时的皇帝用这个机制来控制他的天下, 明朝皇帝这么做有他的好处的, 当时的明朝皇帝打击官员贪污是很严厉的, 他们利用这些锦衣卫来控制他的天下,当皇帝知道一个在很远的地方的官员有贪污马上就采取更严厉的行动所以当时的人民也是丰衣足食, 还有我们所熟悉的就是郑和下南洋,他的军队其实是很是庞大,当时候明朝的系统已经是很完善, 当时很多周边的国家包括我们的马来西亚就是马六甲都要每一年要送一些贡品给明朝皇帝包括泰国皇帝,当时明朝的汉丽宝公主嫁给马六甲苏丹, 所以这个时候都是在明朝的时候中国是很强大的.

你算一下刚刚好现在就是700年之后, 700年之后出现了现在看看习近平让中国是多么的强大, 所以每个7都会有一个 转变, 接下来这个7还告诉我们什么原理, 请看下集.

很明显的是盛世的条件是人民丰衣足食, 领导人品德良好, 不要胡乱篡位, 捉拿贪官要严厉.

Understand from "I Ching Feng Shui" why Xi Jinping is so powerful? (About number 7, part 2)

Zhou dynasty was founded by Zhou Hu Wen, the son of Zhou Wenwang who destroyed the Shang dynasty. The king of Shang dynasty was the last king of the Shang dynasty. He was brutal and lustful. At that time, there was a so-called Jiu Chi Rou Lin酒池肉林, and the atmosphere was very corrupt. During that time, Zhou Wenwang is only one of the state leader at the West. Because of his good character, many other state leaders supported him. King Shangyu arrested him in prison because he was afraid of his power. He completed the Later Heaven Bagua in the prison. The Zhou Dynasty was the longest dynasty in Chinese history. It was almost 800 years old. Confucius yearned for the Zhou Dynasty. At this time, there was a prosperous age. At that time, there were no prisoners in the prison for 40 years. People during that time were all obey to the laws. At this time, there was Zhou Gongdan, the younger brother of King Zhou Wu. Also, there was Jiang Taigong, Jiang Ziya, and it was also the era when the gods were listed. Zhou Gong was regent after King Zhou Wu. Although he was very powerful, many people embraced him as king, but because of his good character, he insisted on leaving the throne to his nephew, and he later achieved the rule of Cheng Kang. Zhou Gongdan set the ritual and music system. At that time, the bronzes were at the very top, so this is a prosperous age of the Zhou Dynasty.

After the prosperity of the Zhou Dynasty, it was the prosperity of the Han Dynasty After the Zhou Dynasty, there was the Spring and Autumn Period. Confucius was in the Spring and Autumn Period. At that time, the Zhou Dynasty king actually no longer in control. The state leaders were so strong that they destroyed the Zhou Dynasty, and then the Warring States Period, so there was the later Chu State, Qin State, and Zhao State. Because of the war, the people lived very hard and difficult. Later, Emperor Qin Shihuang unified the world, but the Qin dynasty passed to Qin II and was destroyed. Later, Liu Banghan Gaozu established the Han dynasty. The Han Dynasty was also a very long dynasty. At that time, there was the rule of Wenjing. After such a long war, after the war was settled, the people now have time to breathe, so it is also a prosperous age. Before, there were Qin people, Chu people, Zhao people, and later they were all called Han people.

Later, the prosperous world of the Tang Dynasty appeared after 700 years, so Chinese history is that there will be a prosperous world every 700 years. The rule of Zhenguan, when there were many poets Li Bai and Du Fu during the Tang Dynasty? Because everyone is well and do not have to worry much for living, there is nothing to worry about. Therefore, the beautiful women of the Tang dynasty are all chubby because they have nothing to worry about as the country is very prosperous.

After the Tang Dynasty, 700 years later, it was the Ming Dynasty. When I started to study history, I didn't really agree with this view. Why not? Our impression is that the Ming Dynasty was a very dark dynasty, with the so-called Jinyiwei and eunuchs making trouble. In fact, this was the emperor at that time used this mechanism to control his world. The Ming emperor did his good to do this. The emperor of the Ming Dynasty cracked down on corruption of officials. They used these Jinyiwei to control his world. When the emperor knew that an official in a far place had corruption, he immediately took harsher actions, so the people at that time were good. What we are familiar with is Zheng He to Nanyang. His army is actually very large. At that time, the Ming Dynasty’s system was already very efficient. Every year those countries nearby have to give some gifts to the emperors of the Ming Dynasty, including the emperor of Thailand and the Sultan Melaka. The princess Han Libao of the Ming Dynasty married Malacca Sultan, so this time was during the Ming Dynasty.

You just count it, it’s 700 years later. Now let ’s see how powerful Xi Jinping makes China, so every 7 will have a change. The next video, I m going you all more about number 7. Please stay tuned for the next video.

Obviously, the conditions of the prosperous age are that the people are well-dressed with food, the leaders have good morals, and they should not be arbitrarily usurped, and it must be harsh to punish the corrupt officials.

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请点击订阅 Master Lee Youtube频道,以免费了解有关风水的更多信息。

Understand from Yi Jing why there are lots of changes in 2020. 从《易经风水》理解为何2020年会有那么多变化。(No 7 part 1)

Understand from Yi Jing why MOTHER is the one does the most sacrifices. 从易经里了解为什么母亲为家庭做最大牺牲和贡献。

The South Korea Flag is from Yi Jing Bagua. 韩国国旗来自易经八卦。

风水小贴士: 为何吉隆坡谷中城那么旺? Feng Shui Tips: Why does the Mid Valley Shopping Mall is so ONG?

How China managed to stop the Covid-19 with 火神山? 中国如何通过火神山制止Covid-19

风水小贴士: 一篇你不可以错过的简单阴阳风水知识 Feng Shui Tips: Simple Yin Yang feng shui knowledge you can't miss.

物以稀为贵这一说源自于6000年前的无字天书吗The principle Rare is more valuable originated from Yi Jing 6000 years ago.

风水小贴士: 在山顶上的房子好吗?Feng Shui Tips: Is it good to buy a house at the top of a hill?
What is Dragon trying to tell us? 龙想告诉我们什么?
风水小贴士: 面对直道或高速公路的房屋好不好? Feng Shui Tips: Is it good for a house to face a straight road or highway?

Penang Feng Shui. Feng Shui is a scientific environmental knowledge. 风水是很科学的环境学问

How can Jupiter and Saturn affect us in term of Feng Shui? 在风水方面,木星和土星如何影响我们?

Are DNA, cell, Universe, Art of War and 3D related to Yi Ching Feng Shui DNA,细胞,宇宙,孙子兵法和3D与《易经风水》相关吗?

为什么太太在家里的地位很大 Why your wife is important at home ?

无字天书, Wordless Heaven Book. Oldest Book in World, a book without text, I-Ching. 世界上最古老的书,一本没有文字的书,易经

为何在泰国曼谷大皇宫里有华人道教的守门神? Why is there a gatekeeper of Chinese Taoism in the Grand Palace in Bangkok?

How can we do not need a NASA sophisticated telescope to know there is a Sun Eclipse on 26 Dec 2019?

其实我们的手指已经把宇宙的这个密秘告诉我们了Our fingers have told us the secret of the universal long ago.

Penang Feng Shui Master Lee Profile video

Turtle tells us the secrets of the universe. 乌龟告诉我们宇宙的秘密。

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