
Sunday, May 17, 2020

Understand from Yi Jing Feng Shui why there are lots of changes in 2020. (About Number 7 part 1) 从《易经风水》理解为何2020年会有那么多变化。(关于数字7,第1部分) This series have 4 videos. 该系列有4个视频。

I know there are many non Chinese or English educated followers in my FB or blog, hence everything I make a YouTube video, I shall try my best to have English subtitles to make all understand this great knowledge.

Here you go ......

今天讲这个数字7, 为什么7这么重要?一周就是一个星期有7, 为什么一周一个星期是7 天?一周一个星期七天是根据阳历, 现在2020年是阳历,阳历计算的开始就是耶稣基督的生辰诞生,它是根据太阳在运转。

易经在什么时候成书呢?好像我之前所说的周文王在3000多年前已经把8864卦写下来, 他创了后天八卦, 那个时候已是3000多年但是我们的阳历的历史就是2020, 所以能之前易经中国祖先已经把一个星期定为七天。

易经的24卦是复卦, 是重复的复,康复的复,就像我们现在这样在康复, 里面的一段卦辞《易·复》:“反覆其道,七日来复,天行也。”  意思是说, 在轨道上反复运行,七天回来重新开始,这是天的运行法则, 运行法则就是以七天为准。

星期一如果你上班有所谓的Monday Blue, 节奏还是比较慢, 你还是提不起劲来工作, 可能就是之前的周末你可能还没有很多动力, 但是后来到了星期三星期四的时候你就慢慢就有动力了, 就是这个就是阴阳的原理,休息就是我们所谓的阴,有动力打拼的时候是阳。慢慢的你就越来越阳,越来越有动力,星期四你最有效率的时候,可是到了礼拜五那你就感觉到累了,礼拜六,星期日休息或玩到精疲力竭, 一周一直在重复。易经里说七日来复,一星期我们的身体就是有一个康复期。


七不只代表七天,它可以代表七个星期,可以代表七个月,它可以代表七百年, 其实中国的历史是每700年就会出现一次盛世,就是所谓的物极必反,就是一样东西如果你抛上去 ,到了顶的地方它一定会下来,所以你可以发现如果你了解中国的历史的话,七百年就是一个盛世的出现。第一次其实是周朝,第2个是汉朝,第三个是唐朝,第4个是明朝,现在刚刚好就是700年就是习近平的时候,这个时候其实就是中国的盛世,让我一个一个跟大家讲解这个朝代。


Today let us talk about the number 7, why is 7 so important? A week is 7 days, why is it 7 days a week? Seven days a week is based on the solar calendar. Now 2020 is the solar calendar. The beginning of the solar calendar calculation is the birth of Jesus Christ, which is based on the Sun.

When did the Book of Changes, Yi Jing become a book? Zhou Wenwang wrote about the 8864 hexagrams more than 3,000 years ago. He created the Later Heaven Bagua. At that time, it was more than 3,000 years, but the history of our solar calendar is 2020. Chinese ancient has set 1 week as seven days.

The 24th trigrams of the Yijing are trigrams, repeated complexions, and rehabilitation complexes, just like we are recovering now. There is a hexagram in the scriptures: "“反覆其道,七日来复,天行也。”  It repeats the same way. "It means that it runs repeatedly on the orbit and returns to start again in seven days. This is the rule of the day. The rule of operation is based on seven days.

When you start a week, we have the so-called Monday Blue at work on Monday, the rhythm is still relatively slow, and you still cannot work hard enough. You may not have much motivation after the weekend, but then when you get to Wednesday and Thursday, you will gradually get motivated. Well, this is the principle of yin and yang. Rest is what we call yin. When there is motivation to work hard, it is yang. Slowly, you become more and more positive and more motivated. When you are most productive on Thursday, but you feel tired on Friday, you will rest on Saturday, Sunday, or play until you are exhausted, and you will repeat it throughout the week. The I Ching says "seven days will come and go", and one week our body will have a recovery period or recharge.

If you understand the 8864 hexagram of the Book of Changes, the hexagram must be composed of three lines (which is called yao) plus three lines, 3 + 3 = 6 lines, that is, after six lines (yao), the seventh line (yao) is another transformation, which will be another hexagram, Chinese often say that "Six and Six Dashun (smooth), it will change every seven" means that there will be a change when 7 comes, so you can find that this year's flying star Chart, no 7 entered the center, and the Central Palace is the most important palace, so you can see a lot of changes this year, and the other is that it is now the 21st century, and the 21st century shows that there are three sevens, so this century has a lot changes.

Seven not only represents seven days, it can represent seven weeks, it can represent seven months, it can also represent seven hundred years. In fact, China ’s history is that there will be a prosperous China every 700 years, which is the so-called object must be reversed. A thing if you throw up, it will come down when you reach the top, so you can find that if you understand the history of China, seven hundred years is a golden age. The first time was actually the Zhou Dynasty, the second was the Han Dynasty, the third was the Tang Dynasty, and the fourth was the Ming Dynasty. It is just 700 years ago when Xi Jinping was here. This time is actually the heyday of China. Let me explain these dynasties to you one by one.

Please stay tuned for my next video.

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